Apple's North Carolina Research Triangle Park campus will be enormous

By Andrew Orr

Newly uncovered documents provide details about the magnitude and extent of Apple's upcoming Research Triangle Park campus in North Carolina, despite its completion being years away.

The campus will be near Raleigh, North Carolina

The campus will be near Raleigh, North Carolina

As part of a construction endeavor in Raleigh, the company is currently developing a new campus in North Carolina. The proposed campus will span 281 acres, including commercial offices, a parking deck, streets, and a central utility plant.

The initial phase of construction will see the erection of six buildings, possibly adding more structures in the future.

The campus, built on four parcels of undeveloped woodland near Cary and Morrisville, is expected to cost $552 million. Apple has requested approximately 700,000 square feet for office space, an additional 190,000 square feet for support structures, and almost 3,000 square feet for parking.

In May 2023, a collection of site plans was submitted to Wake County, and among them was the inclusion of a map.

In May 2023, a collection of site plans was submitted to Wake County, and among them was the inclusion of a map.

Apple has committed to employing at least 2,700 people at the campus within the next decade, which is expected to increase to 3,000 eventually. As of 2021, Apple is leasing an office building on the MetLife campus in Cary.

The company has an agreement with the state for a Job Development Investment Grant, which could provide Apple with more than $845 million in payroll tax relief through 2061, provided it meets its hiring and investment targets. Apple's investment commitment to the state, totaling $905.4 million, includes the new Wake County site and the expansion of an Apple data center in Catawba County.

Apple is not required to meet this investment commitment until the end of 2031 to avoid defaulting on its grant. The site documents, prepared by the engineering firm McAdams based in Durham, were shared with The News & Observer.

These documents encompassed a range of environmental reports covering stormwater, downstream impact, erosion control, fire flow, and commercial site specifics. The project's progression is contingent upon the approval of the proposed site by the planning staff of Wake County.

Failure by Apple to generate a minimum of 126 new job opportunities in the state by the conclusion of 2023 could result in the company becoming ineligible for state incentives.