New pics show off Berlin Apple Store interior ahead of launch, fans lining up

By Kevin Bostic

New pictures released to the Internet show the interior of Apple's soon to open Berlin store, as well as fans already in line waiting for the store's opening on Friday.

The store shown off in the new photos adheres, of course, to Apple's trademark minimalist aesthetic, with the walls sparsely decorated and Apple products arrayed in their familiar fashion. Apple allowed selected media into its Berlin store ahead of its opening, including Macerkopf.

Inside, the store is said to have a 360-degree Genius Bar, the first of its kind in Germany. The ground floor of the space is dedicated to Apple products, while the upper floors include conference rooms and an event space.

The new store, located in Berlin's most expensive shopping district, is set to open on Friday, and Apple has been slowly ramping up the hype for the opening after announcing its grand opening date last week.

Already, Apple devotees are lining up ahead of the store's opening. Macerkopf spotted two fans already queued for the opening some 35 hours before the scheduled Saturday event. There are reportedly 200 Apple employees on hand at the store from 20 nationalities, with 12 different languages spoken between them.