Apple One will manage users with multiple Apple IDs, but questions remain

By Mike Peterson

The newly announced Apple One services bundle could manage users who have multiple Apple IDs for different services, but the exact details of the support are still unclear.

Credit: Apple

Initially, the iTunes Stores and Apple's cloud services were managed separately. Because of that, users may have different IDs attached to their iCloud and Apple services like Apple Music.

> One such person is Microsoft Senior Cloud Advocate Christina Warren, who brought up the issue in a Tweet on Sept. 15. A day later, Apple's Chris Espinosa responded simply that Apple One "manages that," adding that he double-checked.

Espinosa was one of Apple's first employees and helped pioneer the Family sharing feature, which deals with multiple Apple IDs. Of course, Espinosa's answer was fairly short on detail, so it isn't entirely clear what he means just yet.

Some Apple One tier, by their nature as a shared service, will allow support for multiple Apple IDs. Whether or not Apple will allow multiple IDs to be consolidated into a single account, or whether they'll take up additional "slots" on an Apple One plan, remains to be seen.

Apple One -- announced at Apple's "Time Flies" event -- bundles various Apple services together at different but lower price tiers, allowing users to save money on multiple subscriptions.