'Today at Apple' in-store sessions start to return in Europe

By William Gallagher

While US Apple Stores have delayed their return to in-store, in-person "Today at Apple" education sessions, stores in Europe have relaunched.

Apple Birmingham in the UK (photo: William Gallagher)

Apple previously planned for its "Today at Apple" sessions to return as live, in-store events across the US and Europe from August 30, 2021. It did reportedly tell local staff that the date may be delayed because of local coronavirus conditions.

Now while the US stores appear to all be sticking to online-only sessions, ones across Europe have now begun taking bookings for live sessions. Apple Stores across the UK, France, Germany, and more have launched a full schedule of sessions on topics from photography and video, to music and coding.

Live, in-store "Today at Apple" sessions were first halted in March 2020 as the COVID pandemic spread. There were limited reopenings in China, but overall the sessions have remained solely online.