Users are again finding outages with Apple services, though this time limited to "intermittent issues" with the App Store, and with Apple Music.

Just over a month since Apple's iCloud services saw downtime across the board, users are reporting new issues. One, regarding Apple Pay & Wallet was resolved in under an hour on Sunday April 24, but two more have been logged by Apple as ongoing.
According to Apple's System Status page, both issues were logged at 11:41 Eastern. Apple says that, "all users are affected."
That doesn't mean that Apple Music and the App Store are down for all users, but it does mean that the issue is not confined to particular servers or regions. Apple says that App Store "users may be experiencing a problem with this service."
For Apple Music users, the problem is described as users possibly "experiencing intermittent issues."
The App Store problem is likely to be the reason for recent reports online that privacy labels are currently not appearing in app listings.