Apple hires Ford veteran for 'Apple Car' project

By William Gallagher

Vehicle and safety engineering expert Desi Ujkashevic has been hired to work on the Apple Car project, following over 30 years at Ford.

Desi Ujkashevic (Source: Ford)

Desi Ujkashevic (Source: Ford)

Despite reports that efforts toward an "Apple Car" have stalled and the team dissolved, Apple has now hired another automotive industry veteran.

According to Bloomberg, unspecified sources say that Desi Ujkashevic has specifically been hired for car project. It will be the first time that Ujkashevic has worked for anywhere but the Ford Motor Company, where she joined as an engineer in 1991.

She rose from engineer through manager, then on to chief engineer, and director. In her more than three decades with Ford, she has been responsible both for engineering divisions, and for leading design teams.

Bloomberg says that according to Ford, Ujkashevic has retired. Her LinkedIn page lists her as employed by Ford up to March 2022, with no subsequent company.

At time of writing, Ford's media center website continues to list Ujkashevic as the company's current Global Director of Global Automotive Safety Engineering Office.

Ujkashevic's move to Apple, whether she was poached from Ford or had already retired, follow's Ford's hiring of ex-Apple executive Doug Field. He was hired in September 2021 as an advanced technology officer for Ford.