Daily deals June 23: $570 for M1 Mac mini, 24% off 2 bay NAS, 21% off Dell 27-inch 4K monitor, more

By AppleInsider Staff

Thursday's best deals include $250 off a Radeon RX 6900 XT graphics card, $110 for TP-Link Mesh WiFi 3-pack, 33% off a HyperX SoloCast USB microphone, and much more.

Best deals June 23

Every day, AppleInsider scours online retailers to find offers and discounts on Apple devices, hardware, accessories, smart TVs, and other products. The best discoveries are put into our daily deals post for you to enjoy.

While items may become out-of-stock, you may still be able to order at the discounted price for later delivery once more become available. Also, Amazon discounts tend to end quickly, so it may be a good idea to buy early.

Featured deal: M1 Mac mini

Top deals for June 23

Other top deals, still going strong

Best deals June 22

Additional bargains


and Apple Authorized Resellers are also running specials on Mac and iPad hardware that will not only deliver the lowest prices on many of the items, but also throw in bonus savings on accessories, software and more. Here are just a few of the deals running this week: