How to add relationships to contacts in iOS 16

By Nathaniel Pangaro

You can add another layer of personalization to your contacts by adding their relationship to you on your iPhone. Here is how to set that up.

The Contacts app

The Contacts app allows you to keep the phone number, emails, and other contact information you have for people organized and easy to access when needing it most.

Here is how to add a relationship to a contact, delete a relationship, and utilize Siri with that relationship type in iOS 16.

How to add a Relationship

Adding a relationship to a contact does not happen within that contact's contact card; it happens within your card in the Contacts app. Here is how to set it up.

Basic contact details in iOS.

Setting a relationship for a contact.

The relationship you gave the contact can now be used to identify them in the future.

How to delete a Relationship

If you want to delete or change someone's relationship, it is nearly the same method as adding the relationship to them in the first place. Here is how to delete or change a relationship.

Deleting a relationship.

Relationships can be re-added or changed at any time.

How to use Siri with Relationships

You can replace the name of the contact you want to text, call, or FaceTime with the relationship you set for them when asking Siri to do so.

When saying the command, you say the relationship instead of the contact's name. For example, instead of saying "Call Phil," you can say "Call my dad" (if Phil is set as your dad).

Siri will also say the relationship set to that contact instead of their name when confirming to call or FaceTime them when asking them to do so.

Using relationships in Siri commands.

If you are sending a message through Siri and use the relationship, their relationship title will show up in the recipient area instead of the name you put for them in the Contacts app.

You can also set up a relationship through Siri by saying the contact's name and telling her the relationship they are to you (for example: "Phil Apple is my dad").

Siri can ask to remember relationships.

Any relationship you change in the future for a contact will reflect on the commands you ask Siri.

Keeping relationships strong

Adding relationships to contacts is a great way to add personalization to the people you are most close to, such as family members or friends.

It gives you the ability to add their actual names to your Contacts - and refer to them as their relationship to you - and your phone will know whom you are referring to.

You can set relationships on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.