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Apple establishing iPhone, Leopard 'halos'; gains in small business

Mac sales are accelerating faster than anticipated across the board thanks to the iPhone and Leopard, and could even crack the elusive business market that has remained a Windows sanctuary, according to a pair of new reports.

The greatest immediate increase should come to the home space, says a new ChangeWave study provided to AppleInsider. About a quarter of those looking for computers during the summer months favor Macs versus other brands and could create a "transformation" in marketshare for Apple should the study's claims hold true.

Over the course of the next three months, about 22 percent of those respondents looking for desktops and 28 percent of notebook seekers intend to buy an Apple computer. The jumps represent an extra 4 and 9 percent of the total survey base switching allegiances compared to the March quarter, the analysts say.

Both spikes are the strongest seen by ChangeWave since October 2005 and signal a dramatic change from the past, where increases were typically gradual at best. But this may be the sign of things to come, the report says.

"Clearly, it's that the advance publicity and release of the Apple iPhone is concurrently having a 'Halo Effect' on Apple computer sales," ChangeWave notes.

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The survey was conducted in early June, just as Apple's ad campaign for the iPhone shifted into higher gear in anticipation of the June 29th launch. Shoppers interested in Mac OS X Leopard looking to upgrade upon its release were also cited as a possible factor.

A second report, however, indicates that the Mac maker may have already breached the walls of the small to medium business market courtesy of a steadily improving reputation for Mac OS X.

New research obtained from New York City-based AMI Partners points to Apple more than doubling its share of the historically indifferent medium business world in the past year. Use of Mac desktops in the cubicles of mid-sized businesses has reportedly spiked from 13 to 27 percent and has seen a higher-still gain in notebooks, surging from 8 to 18 percent. Small business have also seen healthy gains for desktops (7 to 12 percent) and notebooks (5 to 8 percent), AMI says.

Though the researchers nod towards hardware design as an influence, most of the credit is given to Mac OS X. The release of Tiger in 2005 has reportedly helped Apple gain respect among normally Windows-only firms, with 88 percent of small businesses and 98 percent of medium businesses saying they were considering Macs for their next computers.

Echoing ChangeWave, AMI also projects that Apple may ride a further wave of popularity at the workplace through Mac OS X Leopard, many of whose features will help in smaller businesses. iChat AV and Time Machine have been singled out as particularly useful alternatives for companies that want partial backups and online presentations without resorting to specialized and often costly hardware. This and wider network support could tip the balance, the company says.

"With Mac OS X Leopard launching this coming fall, Apple may well attract a new wave of users," AMI expert Yedda Chew claims. "Especially among Windows PC users that had been taking a wait and see attitude about Mac OS X Tiger."


blacksummernight 19 Years · 562 comments

How in tha hell does the iPhone/Lepard help Apple establish gains in any type of small business. Neither are out.

bacillus 19 Years · 277 comments

The only way they will get a foothold in many businesses is to release a small tower (1000$ - 1200$).

Yes I know - its been discussed just a little on this site; perhaps once or twice.

I think the iMac is the superior design for most applications, but for many IT guys, the idea of a monitor + cheap tower is just too entrenched.

porchland 20 Years · 477 comments

Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight

How in tha hell does the iPhone/Lepard help Apple establish gains in any type of small business. Neither are out.

98 percent of medium-sized businesses considering Mac? I call bullsh*t.

bergermeister 20 Years · 6559 comments

Hype builds interest. The iPhone is an amazing seeming product (although it will be hampered by the archaic US cel system) that sets new heights in design, form and function. It shows that Apple has the right touch when designing a product, and thus people come over.


Apple will not stoop to the level of your average IT guy; they will make what they want to and people will see the light and buy. As suggested, it is happening. The other thing is that Apple sets it sights low, so t is already making its own in-house mark so everythign else is just icing on the cake.

The new Macs run Windoze, so they can have the best of all worlds.

melgross 21 Years · 33652 comments

Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight

How in tha hell does the iPhone/Lepard help Apple establish gains in any type of small business. Neither are out.

Publicity. Anticipation.