Two popular iOS titles released notable updates Thursday as the weekend approaches, with Minecraft adding a number of new features — including infinite worlds — while Plague, Inc. takes advantage of a new 20th Century Fox partnership to let players control colonies of apes.
Minecraft Pocket Edition
Minecraft developer Mojang says the iOS edition's update is its largest ever, packing a slew of new features for mobile gamers. Players can now enjoy infinite worlds, for instance, and the company has added caves and "loads" of new blocks including Monster Eggs and mushrooms.
Wolves come over from the desktop edition, as do new mobs — including endermen and Mooshrooms — and new flowers. Players will also find new biomes like mesas, jungles, swamps, and extreme hills.
In addition, Mojang promises players will "never accidentally punch a sheep again" while exploring abandoned mineshafts and villages thanks to a new "interaction" button. Feature generation for lakes, vines, and monster rooms also comes in alongside various bug fixes.
Minecraft Pocket Edition version 0.9.0 is available now as a $6.99, 9.5-megabyte download from the App Store.
Plague, Inc.
Popular "infect the world" strategy simulation game Plague, Inc. teamed up with 20th Century Fox's upcoming Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film to add a new "Simian Flu" expansion for the game. The ninth mutation brings a new twist in allowing players to control colonies of intelligent apes, using the primates to spread disease and ruin research efforts with the goal of helping apes become earth's dominant species.
The update also brings new genes, evolutions, graphics, music, government actions, events, and achievements. Additionally, Developer Ndemic Creations also promises performance improvements as well as fixes for game balance, AI, and bugs.
Plauge, Inc. version 1.9 is available now as a $0.99, 60.4-megabyte download from the App Store.
I have the game "Plague Inc." stored in the cloud, I bought it a long time ago, so I just might have to download it quickly again and check out the Planet of the Apes update.
The movie also seems to have gotten quite good reviews, and I just might go to an actual movie theatre to see it. I have also discovered an excellent method for minimizing the amount of Android users that somebody might run into while at the movies.
I don't go to the movies that often. The last movie I saw at the movie theatre was the Hobbit - desolation of smaug. When I got to the movie theatre, I noticed that the lines were huge and there were all these annoying women there with their even more annoying flock of children. These are exactly the kind of people that would be using some cheap Android phone, and sure enough the fattest woman there who also had the loudest mouth was talking on her over sized Android phone.I do definitely believe that the tech that a person chooses can in many cases accurately reflect a person's social status and how they act.
There was no way that I was going to pay any money to be in the same theatre as these annoying people, because I knew that they wouldn't be able to shut up during the film, and they wouldn't be able to control their annoying children also. Who the hell brings a baby to a movie theatre? Some people have no common decency at all, and they act like the trash that they are.
To my surprise, I noticed that the multiplex that I was at was showing the same movie on multiple screens, and one of them was a premium screen, with better sound, better picture and much better seats, and also a much higher price tag, but who cares about that! I had found the perfect solution to my problem, and I quickly purchased a ticket, and to my delight, that premium showing was half empty, and I don't believe that I saw a single kid in the entire theatre. I am 100% confident that more Android phones would have been found in the other theatre, the one with the annoying women and their annoying kids.
When I go and see the Planet of the Apes soon, you can bet your ass that I will be paying extra for the "premium" experience, as that will filter out much of the riff raff, many of whom are Android users.
My god. What a terrible off topic rant to highlight ones delusional self importance. We get it you think your better than most people. Is there somewhere else you could get this cathartic fix?
My god. What a terrible off topic rant to highlight ones delusional self importance. We get it you think your better than most people. Is there somewhere else you could get this cathartic fix?
What have you contributed to this thread? Nothing at all.
I addressed three main issues in my post, all relevant. One, I spoke about the update to the game Plague Inc, second, I spoke about the new Planet of the Apes film coming out and I also shared my method for avoiding potential Android users when going to the movie theatre.
Instead of whining about what other posters write, why don't you contribute something to this thread, like I have done?
Agree, that was a pretty odd rant. I also got Plague Inc, a loooong time ago, and it was pretty fun. It's nice to see such an old app get continuous updates from its devs.
Very happy that Minecraft biggest update has been released. Hell yeah!!! Infinite World. Its now closer to desktop version. We need portals... need more update. Hehehe