Ex-Apple customer relations staffer fixes iPhone bug by switching to Android

By William Gallagher

Following months of Apple failing to resolve a common iPhone notification bug, a user claiming to be ex-Apple, has fixed the issue by buying a Samsung phone.

Notifications on iPhone

This is true: iOS 14 has a persistent bug where it fails to show notifications. The issue affects different users in different ways -- AppleInsider, for instance, may get lock screen displays but no sound alerts, while others get nothing.

It's also true that Apple has been notified of the problem but possibly isn't getting notifications either. The issue has persisted since the launch of iOS 14 and while there are conflicting reports of different solutions or workarounds, there hasn't been a fix.

What's now claimed is that it's an ex-employee from Apple's customer relations department who has announced he or she has switched to an Android phone. As first spotted by ZDnet, regular Apple forum poster "StubbornPixie" says they've moved to a Samsung Galaxy A12.

"Just wanted to let everyone know that I finally I fixed my issue after 6 months of this nonsense," posted StubbornPixie in the support thread. "I bought a Samsung Galaxy A12 for $180. And I haven't missed a notification since. Is it the best phone ever? Nah. Is it functional? Yeah. Have I died from using it? Nah. Good enough."

"I worked for Apple for 10 years in Customer Relations out of Austin, TX," he or she added. "This is embarrassing and I just had to buy a Samsung."

As well as Apple failing to provide a fix or, so far, acknowledging the bug, there is no one consistent workaround. However, some users have had success following the standard solutions of updating to the latest version of iOS 14, restarting their phone and so on.

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