Daily deals May 24: $100 off Samsung M8 Smart Monitor, $290 iPad Air 3, Logitech discounts, more

By AppleInsider Staff

Tuesday's best deals include the refurbished iPad Air 3 from $290, a $70 Netgear cable modem, bargains on smokers, and much more.

Best deals for May 24

Every day, AppleInsider scours online retailers to track down discounts and offers on numerous products, including Apple hardware, smart TVs, and device accessories. The best deals are compiled into our daily list of optimal offers for you to enjoy.

You may find some out-of-stock products can still be ordered for delivery at a later time, so you may not miss out on a sold-out deal. Amazon discounts don't typically last for a long time, so you may want to buy them sooner rather than later.

Make sure to check back daily to see new deals we find.

Featured Deal: Samsung M8 Smart Monitor

Top deals for May 24

Other top offers, still going strong

Best deals for May 23

Additional bargains


and Apple Authorized Resellers are also running specials on Mac and iPad hardware that will not only deliver the lowest prices on many of the items, but also throw in bonus savings on accessories, software and more. Here are just a few of the deals running this week: