Daily deals July 16: $192 Anycubic resin 3D printer, $170 AirPods Pro, $130 Cuisinart AirFryer, more

By Wesley Hilliard

Saturday's best deals include 57% off a 13-inch Apple Leather Sleeve, a $489 Sapphire Pulse Radeon RX 6700 XT graphics card, and much more.

Best deals for July 16

Every day, AppleInsider scours online retailers to find discounts on products including Apple hardware, mobile devices, hardware upgrades, smart TVs, and accessories. The best offers we find are put together in our daily deals post.

If you find any out-of-stock items, you may still be able to order them and enjoy the discount, but get your order later. As Amazon discounts have a limited lifespan, you may want to buy them early before they disappear.

Top deals for July 16

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Other top deals, still going strong

Best deals July 15

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and Apple Authorized Resellers are also running specials on Mac and iPad hardware that will not only deliver the lowest prices on many of the items, but also throw in bonus savings on accessories, software and more. Here are just a few of the deals running this week: