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Dell's iPhone Killer rejected by carriers as too dull

After signaling its intent to follow Apple's wildly successful iPhone into the smartphone business, Dell's first attempts to produce a phone have been rejected by the carriers for being too dull and lacking enough differentiation to stand out in a competitive environment, according to a report.

A research note published today by Kaufman Bros. analyst Shaw Wu said that Dell's new prototypes, capable of running both Windows Mobile or Google's Android, simply didn't interest the carriers.

Mobile service providers either want basic phones they can sell for free (as the majority of LG units do) or headline grabbing models that can stand out and hopefully pull new subscribers from rivals, such as AT&T's iPhone 3G, Verizon Wireless' BlackBerry Storm, T-Mobile's Android G1, or Sprint's hopeful Palm Pre.

"From our conversation with supply chain and industry sources," Wu wrote, "it appears that it ultimately came down to lack of carrier interest and small subsidies, making it difficult for Dell to make a profit. In our view, the last thing Dell needs is to enter another money losing business as it seeks to preserve its operating margins of 5%-6%.” Wu noted that those figures compares with HP's 11% margins and Apple and IBM at 15%.

Wu said Dell is “going back to the drawing board in designing a cell phone with more differentiation,” that could “likely involve vertical integration of some sort including software and/or services.”

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"PC guys are not going to just figure this out"

Dell's failure to successfully step from the commodity PC business into the mobile handset market should come as no surprise, as smartphones requires expertise in software platform development, consumer design savvy, and portable device engineering, all things Dell has never demonstrated any proficiency in.

That calls to mind the quote from Palm CEO Ed Colligan, who said “PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They’re not going to just walk in." He was specifically referring to Apple, which did "just walk in" with the iPhone launch, but carried with it a half decade of experience with the iPod and decades of experience in maintaining successful software platforms building highly customized hardware.

Some pundits have speculated that Dell may need to buy its way into smartphones, citing Palm as a target. Palm is struggling to release its new webOS and the Palm Pre as the first phone to use it. As sales of its aging Treo line collapse, Palm has been kept afloat only by millions of new venture capital injected by Elevation Partners. Were Dell to buy Palm and inherit the webOS, it would come at the expense of Windows Mobile and Android, both of which are trying to line up new licensees.

Smartphone shakeout

Microsoft is being hit particularly hard, with two of its top names from last year (Samsung and Sony Ericsson) abandoning Windows Mobile for the Symbian OS in their new flagship phones demonstrated at this year's Mobile World Congress, leaving Microsoft's main licensees LG (which also has plans to sell Android phones) and HTC (which makes 80% of the phones that use Microsoft's mobile OS, but is similarly planning Android phones and is apparently losing its business of building phones for Palm).

The smartphone market's ability to resist collapse during difficult economic times, paired with the shrinking global market for PCs, has already sent other PC makers scrambling to enter the phone business, including Acer, Asustek and Lenovo. However, the tough competition for attention in a complex market that requires building relationships with the carriers who control the retail sale of phones through service plan subsidies is not going to allow PC makers to "just walk in," as Colligan stated.

Long time phone makers Motorola and Sony Ericsson are in big trouble, with little to excite new buyers and mounting pressure to catch up with Apple's App Store, its vertical MobileMe cloud sync offerings, and its sophisticated software development tools. Even market leading Nokia is having trouble announcing plans to maintain the pace of Apple in the areas of software updates; API and development tools; and music, video, and mobile software and gaming offerings.


quadra 610 17 Years · 6687 comments

No surprise.

Dell is just another generic junk-box maker. So what else is new.

roos24 18 Years · 170 comments

My short observation is that Apple's timing, whether smart or lucky, could not have been better.


melgross 21 Years · 33660 comments

It's going to be difficult to catch up.

The only thing that a Dell has going for it is the fact that it doesn't have to come up with its own OS and SDK. The problem for it is that none of those OS's and SDK's are equal the the iPhone OS and SDK.

Android has promise, but it's still pretty rough, and the SDK is even rougher. There's nothing else out there that competes on the OS level at all right now.

Win Mobile 6.5 is no improvement over 6.0, other than it can look somewhat like the iPhone GUI. Ver. 7, unless MS is scrambling to re-write it, is not supposed to be too much of an improvement over that.

Symbian is old, and has been driven about as far as it can be without a major overhaul, that might obsolete whatever programs are out there.

The Palm Pre's OS only allows HTML 5 and Java applets similar to Apple's widgets for the Dashboard. No SDK at all, of course. And so far at least, no chance of writing apps using any of the Pre's APIs. Not so hot, as people will find out once it's released.

So where will Dell and other PC makers go to?

Apple is in a market all by itself right now. Some of the biggest news is the new control functionality offered by BT, WiFi, and far more importantly, the Apple Dock connector.

This has been overlooked to a great extent by the press and others, but is likely the most significant new feature of the platform.

There is no way that Dell, or any other manufacturer at this time, or in the near future at least, can duplicate the importance of that.

tofino 18 Years · 697 comments

I love that quote almost as much as the one where balmer poo-pooh's the iphone...