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NVIDIA strikes back against Intel

GPU maker NVIDIA has fired back a countersuit against Intel in response to Intel's suit to block NVIDIA from making controller chips for future generations of Intel's processors.

NVIDIA's complaint says the two companies have "met and attempted to resolve this dispute and have participated in a private mediation process." However, the matter still has not been resolved, despite what NVIDIA described as diligent efforts to come to an agreement with Intel in 2008.

Intel is insisting that its existing agreement with NVIDIA does not apply to its next generation Nehalem CPUs, the same chips Apple is now using in the new Mac Pro. This prevents NVIDIA from making a compatible chipset Apple can use in Macs based on the new processor.

Apple shifted from using Intel's support chipsets to NVIDIA last year in the unibody MacBooks, and migrated the rest of its consumer offerings, including the iMac and Mac mini, to the same NVIDIA control chip last month. Without a future roadmap for NVIDIA control chips, Apple may have to reconsider its existing strategies, which heavily leverage GPU technology with the NVIDIA-supported OpenCL.

The NVIDIA countersuit

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NVIDIA maintains in its countersuit claims that "Intel has manufactured this licensing dispute as part of a calculated strategy to eliminate NVIDIA as a competitive threat."

"For years," NVIDIA's complaint states, "Intel has dominated the lucrative field of central processing units, with Intel's graphics offering being an afterthought. NVIDIA, in contrast, correctly predicted that graphics processing would become increasingly important to computer technology and pioneered sophisticated graphics products, including innovative new graphics processing units."

NVIDIA says that "after years of dominating the computer processing space, Intel found it self needing to play catch-up to NVIDIA's pioneering graphics processing technology," which resulted in Intel licensing NVIDIA's "entire patent portfolio" in 2004, in exchange for granting NVIDIA "a broad, long-term license to make chipsets for Intel's CPUs."

"Unable to compete on the merits," NVIDIA says, "Intel is now using this lawsuit to tilt the playing field decidedly in its favor." The complaint says Intel has not only blocked NVIDIA from competing by seeking to add arbitrary new exclusions to their existing agreement (specifically blocking NVIDIA from creating chipsets for CPUs that include a memory controller, as Nehalem CPUs do), but has also damaged NVIDIA's business by publicly announcing that it believes NVIDIA is not licensed to build chipsets for future Intel CPUs.

NVIDIA claims that sales of its "undisputedly licensed MCPs [control chips] to current Intel architectures are also being affected as Intel uses its public disavowal of the license to alarm customers into believing that NVIDIA's chipsets will soon be unusable with Intel platforms."

The complaint asks that Intel's rights to NVIDIA's patent portfolio under the cross license "be terminated in their entirety," depriving Intel of using NVIDIA's graphics technology as long as it blocks NVIDIA's ability to build licensed versions of chipsets compatible with Intel's latest CPUs.


cubert 20 Years · 726 comments

I hope this doesn't hose Apple's Grand Central/Open CL plans.

hmurchison 24 Years · 11829 comments

Intel not licensing Nehalem architecture smacks of Monopoly abuse here. They're
just too big to get away with cherry picking what vendors get to license their technology.

I'm sure they're smarting because Nvidia ate their Mac chipset lunch but it's their fault for shipping asstastic GMA graphics. They need to compete better. Personally I wasn't sure how Nvidia would do on a large scale as the chipset provider but other than the soldering glitch in some Macbooks they've been solid though they need to get with Apple and improve the graphics drivers in the 9400/9600 stuff. They're not benching as fast as I'd like to see.

I want to see what Nvidia can do with Nehalem.

saarek 17 Years · 1600 comments

Hope NVIDIA wins, Intel's GPU's are SHITE and everyone knows it.

maedoc 16 Years · 11 comments

This reminds me of the "browser wars". Just like Microsoft claimed that Internet Explorer was inseparable from their OS, Intel will be taking the same defense saying that their chipset is integral with their CPU. I hope NVIDIA doesn't end up like Netscape and I pray a technically versed judge gets these cases.

Also... I can't believe NVIDIA would license their patent portfolio to Intel but I guess you do whatever you have to in order to get your foot in the door. Too bad...Intel now has the blueprints and you don't have to infringe on a patent in order to get a lot of good ideas.

Jen-Hsun Huang on Charlie Rose:

marquismark 17 Years · 70 comments

NVIDIA is paying for an existing license to make chipsets but Intel says that doesn't include the Nehalem chipset. I bet its not so much Intel isn't letting NVIDIA license the new chipset but it's that Intel isn't letting NVIDIA license the new chipset for free. They want to create a new agreement with additional fees. The fact that they've been in talks definite suggests this.

So, basically, Intel is being greedy and/or NVIDIA is being cheap. Either way, we'll have to pay for it.
