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Verizon iPhone 4 preorders sell out on first day

Initial demand for the Verizon iPhone is strong, as Apple and Verizon both appear to have run out of pre-sale stock of the new CDMA iPhone and are directing customers to wait until Feb. 9 to purchase the device online or Feb. 10 for in-store purchases.

Preorders for the Verizon iPhone began at 3 a.m. Eastern on Thursday, but only for existing Verizon customers. Initial interest appeared heavy, as some customers reported difficulty accessing the Verizon website.

Though it is unclear exactly how many units were offered during Wednesday's preorder, Apple and Verizon have stopped taking orders for the device. Customers interested in purchasing the iPhone 4 on Verizon are directed log back on to either the Verizon or Apple website starting at 3:01 a.m. Eastern on Feb. 9. Retail stores will begin offering the handset at 7 a.m. on Feb. 10.

AppleInsider reported earlier this week that Verizon had sent out a companywide email urging employees not to purchase the iPhone for themselves or their families. "Demand will be unprecedented," wrote Chief Operating Officer John Stratton.

The carrier has asserted that the launch of the iPhone will be flawlessly executed, but has expressed concern that initial supply of the CDMA version of the iPhone 4 may be limited.

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Verizon has begun airing a new advertisement for the iPhone 4, featuring the "Verizon Guy," actor Paul Marcarelli. Displaying dramatic closeups of the iPhone 4, a voice-over says, ""It's beautiful. It's intelligent, even genius. But does your network work?" The phone rings and Marcarelli answers: "Yes, I can hear you now," in an apparent jab at AT&T's notoriously poor coverage.

The first Verizon ad for the iPhone 4 was a teaser, depicting clocks ticking and people waiting without ever showing the actual device. Apple has also released a TV spot for the Verizon iPhone 4, though it promotes AT&T as well by noting that "two is better than one."


MacPro 19 Years · 19860 comments

Maybe AAPL will start to go to where it should be soon!

bagman 15 Years · 349 comments

This mirrors the ATT launch last June - almost exactly. Wonder what the pre-order numbers were, compared to ATT last year? When I ordered mine at the ATT local store then, it was already sold out online, but the ATT store got my order in the system by 1pm that day, just before they had to stop taking in store orders. Mine was delivered by mail the day before the official launch a week later, even though they warned that it may take longer than 10-14 days to ship. Apple's experience certainly helped Verizon in what to expect, and I would imagine the long lines will be in place next week, similar to the ATT launch.

Even though this is a peculiar situation, it will be interesting to compare numbers of Verizon iP4's sold, compared with those sold during the "normal" launch date of June last year on ATT, even though you would expect it to be lower on Verizon, since many will choose to wait until June for iP5, or perhaps it will be adjusted by switchers from ATT (I would expect many less would switch from ATT, since waiting until June for the iP5 makes more sense, just to see the experience on the Verizon network by "real users" in substantial numbers (read millions), not basing information solely on privileged commentators who tested the units before launch under less-than-real-world conditions.

Gee, where's Consumer Reports to say that "a pox be on both houses", and that we should all ignore the top two smartphones in their ratings, which will both be iP4's of course.

Any bets here on numbers of units sold in the first full month?

robko 14 Years · 5 comments

I've tried to order since midnight, even had a Verizon Cust Svc Rep enter the billing and shipping addresses with me, only to find it was a widespread problem under master ticket # S0862619. And now the pre-order is over. So if Verizon can't even take orders on their web site, and they refuse to take orders via phone, it does not bode well for Verizon's ability to handle the iPhone.

wurm5150 15 Years · 763 comments

The ending of the new ad cracked me up..

bushman4 15 Years · 863 comments

So far Verizon is Not doing much better than ATT. Wait till next week.I don't think weve seen anything yet!
Verizons been practicing for 3 years getting ready for that 'flawless' execution.