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Guided tours of iPad 2 available through Apple promotional videos

Apple has posted to its website several in-depth videos highlighting both old and new features of the iPad 2 in advance of the tablet's U.S. launch on Friday.

The updated Guided Tours section of Apple's iPad product website went live late Wednesday with 14 videos detailing significant software features of the new touchscreen tablet.

The guided tour videos are part of an Apple marketing blitz that will culminate in the iPad 2's 5 p.m. launch on Friday. Early reviews of the iPad 2 began surfacing late Wednesday, with some reviewers naming the iPad 2 as the best tablet available.

Included in the tours were informational videos on Apple's two flagship content creation apps for the iPad 2: iMovie and GarageBand, which will be available for $4.99 each on the App Store starting Friday.

GarageBand for iPad supports guitar input via a third-party adapter, such as Apogee's Jam, as well as virtual instruments such as guitar, piano and drums. Apple has also designed "smart instruments" that require no musical training to use.

GarageBand for iPad

iMovie for iPad features a multi-touch Precision Editor feature and audio waveform view that are unavailable on the iPhone and iPod touch versions of the app.

iMovie for iPad
iMovie for iPad

Also new to the iPad, the FaceTime app received a video of its own, highlighting the addition of front and rear cameras to the tablet and showcasing the video chat function of the device.

FaceTime for iPad
FaceTime for iPad

With upgraded third-party support in iOS 4.3, which was released Wednesday, AirPlay also received a video highlight detailing the wireless streaming capabilities of the device.

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In a departure from last year's set of guided tour videos for the original iPad, Apple has chosen not to include videos specifically demoing its iWork productivity suite this year, possibly indicating that Apple's marketing strategy for the iPad 2 will focus primarily on consumer interests, e.g., FaceTime, iMovie and GarageBand, rather than on business and productivity uses.

Also featured on the website are guided tour videos for: Mail, Safari, iBooks, Videos, Photos, Find My iPad, iPod, iTunes, App Store and Maps.


oc4theo 16 Years · 294 comments

I will get my first iPad this weekend, especially for the new GarageBand. It rocks!

The next question is; "What will I do with my black Macbook and my 8-core Mac Pro?". Of course the new iPad2 won't replace my iPhone 4, but it is sure to make me use my iPhone less.

splash-reverse 15 Years · 648 comments

Originally Posted by OC4Theo

I will get my first iPad this weekend, especially for the new GarageBand. It rocks!

The next question is; "What will I do with my black Macbook and my 8-core Mac Pro?". Of course the new iPad2 won't replace my iPhone 4, but it is sure to make me use my iPhone less.

Huh.. you can give the Mac Pro to me and your MacBook to the guy after me, eh?

I take it from the last sentence, you don't have many friends to call ?

Anyway, that white iPad look appealing but I don't actualy fond of them.. Can't wait until they reach my local Apple Store for comparison.. but then I don't usually able to make my mind up easily so I wonder if they could let me bring two back home to decide

realistic 15 Years · 1154 comments

Originally Posted by Splash-reverse

Huh.. you can give the Mac Pro to me and your MacBook to the guy after me, eh?

I take it from the last sentence, you don't have many friends to call ?

Anyway, that white iPad look appealing but I don't actualy fond of them.. Can't wait until they reach my local Apple Store for comparison.. but then I don't usually able to make my mind up easily so I wonder if they could let me bring two back home to decide

Maybe you should take English grammar lessons so we can decipher what you said and meant. just a thought...

ieye 14 Years · 5 comments

Originally Posted by Realistic


Maybe you should take English grammar lessons so we can decipher what you said and meant. just a thought...

Let's just ban anyone without perfect grammar and diction. Or maybe not. Maybe that skill of "deciphering" will be more and more useful as English - or, more to the point, approximations of it - becomes the lingua franca.

damn_its_hot 16 Years · 1213 comments

Originally Posted by Realistic


Maybe you should take English grammar lessons so we can decipher what you said and meant. just a thought...

Get up feeling like you needed to kick the dog?

I am a nit picker myself and noticed the grammar/spelling issues but knew they were probably just blunders. I think correcting a common misuse of a word or grammar is instructive for all - a comment like yours does nothing but cause hurt and pain and there is quite enough of that in my world without kicking someone in the jewels for a small error or two.

Cheers - and I really do hope the rest of your day goes better than then it apparently started.