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Apple and Motorola dismiss 14 patents from upcoming Florida suit

Last updated

In a filing on Monday, Apple and Google's Motorola agreed to drop a combined 14 patents from a Florida case slated to go to trial in 2014, narrowing claims to a total of 8 patents-in-suit.

The decision to pare down the Miami trial's assertions leaves each company with four patents in play, down from a high of 24 patents and hundreds of claims and counterclaims, reports FOSS Patents' Florian Mueller.

In Monday's stipulation, which has yet to be accepted by the District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Motorola dismissed 8 patents, while Apple dropped 6 properties. The Cupertino company dropped two patents prior to the joint order filing.

Mueller notes that presiding Judge Robert N. Scola pushed the trial schedule back four months due to the parties' inability to agree on how to narrow the scope of the case without input from the court. In April, the jurist accused both Motorola and Apple of using the court system as a "business strategy" rather than a means to settle their dispute.

The parties dismissed about half of the patents with prejudice, though reassertions of those properties are only barred from being used against products and services related to this particular case and identical actions. This leaves a door open for future infringement claims against different products or services.

As Mueller points out, the companies are focusing on patents that are of strategic value, not those which may yield high damages. Apple, for example, is leveraging a patent for missed phone call management, while Motorola is asserting a property it used in Germany to block iCloud push notifications for one year. That ruling was ultimately stayed in April by the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court.

A complete list of the patents dismissed and those still part of the suit can be found below.


robm 19 Years · 1065 comments

I really think that AI should stop with inaccurate portrayal of logo's. As populist as it can be to screw around in PS, AI or whatever to change the meaning of a logo is fine at uni, or tech schools, sub-culture sites, counter culture magazines, flyers whatever - it's not something that you should push too far. hey, AI you're trying to be serious right ? jus my 0.02c We, as posters can do that for you ! No problem :D :D Anyways, back on topic. Good to see that some of this courtroom finger pointing is being rationalised somewhat. The justice system shouldn't be abused by non essential claims or counter claims, that are often included by the legal teams to try and bolster the sense of injustice for their clients filing or defence.

frood 13 Years · 770 comments

Good thing I'm not the judge.


A patent for 'missed call management?'  LOL gone!


'Push notifications'  LOL gone!


If you invent something useful, like say on par with electricity, lets talk.

kdarling 17 Years · 1639 comments

Originally Posted by RobM 

I really think that AI should stop with inaccurate portrayal of logo's.


If it helps, I grabbed the real one the other day.  However, it would take up more vertical space in an article.



Hmm.  Off topic, but that bat shaped M always reminds me of the M in the hair of the Moto Rola-chan character in a manga comic series which uses smartphone characters:




The full set looks like this, and includes Professor Google on the right, and the Apple Man on the left:



More info and detailed individual pictures here:



tallest skil 15 Years · 43086 comments

[quote name="KDarling" url="/t/158773/apple-and-motorola-dismiss-14-patents-from-upcoming-florida-suit#post_2370736"] Hmm.  Off topic, but that bat shaped M always reminds me of the M in the hair of the Moto Rola-chan character…[/QUOTE] I'd imagine there's a reason for that. ;) [QUOTE][URL=] [/URL][/QUOTE] Why isn't Samsung-chan just a crossdressing version of Adam Cupertino? And does breast size correlate to RAM usage like the old OS-tans?

robm 19 Years · 1065 comments

[quote name="Tallest Skil" url="/t/158773/apple-and-motorola-dismiss-14-patents-from-upcoming-florida-suit#post_2370746"] I'd imagine there's a reason for that. ;) Why isn't Samsung-chan just a crossdressing version of Adam Cupertino? And does breast size correlate to RAM usage like the old OS-tans?[/quote] 1) lol 2) I'm not sure. Maybe it's an indication of the size of the CPU's required to run the OS ?