Apple Computer is said to be readying a revision to its popular iSight web cam that will add support for superior video quality and include several other minor enhancements, reliable sources say.
From the outside, Apple's second generation iSight video cam reportedly looks and functions much like its predecessor. However, inside is a more refined and mature engine that improves on the company's successful rookie attempt in the video/web cam arena.
The revised iSight is also said to sport an internal component reorganization and a slightly thicker camera barrel that will produce less heat than the current version.
Apple began distributing new iSight manufacturers part numbers to resellers in late July. Around the same time, the company also halted shipments of its current iSight model.
One Apple Store customer, who placed an order for an iSight (M933OLL/A) in July, was surprised when he found out that his order had automatically been updated to a new version of the cam (M8817LL/B), complete with and an unexpected two week delay.
Apple originally provided customers with an estimated August 9th shipment date for the new cams, but sources close to the project now expect the revised model to begin shipping quietly anytime between now and September.
In addition to revised packaging and an updated user manual, the new iSight will reportedly include new mounting hardware that will let users attach the camera to all of Apple's latest hardware offerings.
Sources say that the new iSight is currently undergoing internal quality assurance tests with both Mac OS X Panther and recent builds of Mac OS X Tiger with iChat 3.
Apple is also said to be working on a firmware update that will provide similar video improvements for the original iSight models.
I'm buying one next year. The quality is good now but any improvements will be welcome. I'd love to see PC support as well for the iSight.
I bet the revision also has to do with mounting for the new iMac.
Nittany did you skip over this part
What about...
"Connect your new iSight 2 to your new 60GB iPod for hours of video recording. Automatically import into iMovie, or watch in QuickTime."
"The new iPod mounting kit makes it easy to connect your iSight to the iPod"
I don't know exactly how the mounting would have to been to make it comfortable to use. Or the lack of color screen. But these are all trivial.
What about...
"Connect your new iSight 2 to your new 60GB iPod for hours of video recording. Automatically import into iMovie, or watch in QuickTime."
"The new iPod mounting kit makes it easy to connect your iSight to the iPod"
I don't know exactly how the mounting would have to been to make it comfortable to use. Or the lack of color screen. But these are all trivial.
I would like to see that too But as we all know that's not going to happen
Ah well, I'll just entertain myself with an iPod an all the other cool stuff.