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Samsung pokes fun at Apple lawsuits in Super Bowl teaser ad

Samsung has generated 1.7 million views with an online Super Bowl teaser ad that jokes about the company being sued for infringement.

The minute-long advertisement is intended as a teaser for Samsung's Super Bowl advertisement that will air during the National Football League's championship game on Sunday. It features comedians Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen, and Bob Odenkirk — who is channeling his Saul Goodman lawyer character from the series "Breaking Bad" — as the three brainstorm potential ideas for Samsung's "Big Game" advertisement.

In the ad, Odenkirk rejects Rudd and Rogen's repeated attempts to say trademarked words like "Super Bowl," "San Francisco 49ers" or "Baltimore Ravens." When Rogen asks who might sue Samsung for their use of the names, Odenkirk responds: "Everybody, nobody. Who knows?"

The ad doesn't specifically mention Apple, but viewers have interpreted the video as a not-so-subtle jab at the iPhone maker, which has filed a number of patent infringement suits accusing Samsung of copying the look and feel of the iPhone and iPad.

One top comment on YouTube joked that only Apple lawyers disapproved of the video. Another praised the company's willingness to poke fun at the situation with Apple, suggesting the South Korean company is "being extra careful about anything that could be misconstrued to be willful copyright infringement."

In the ad, Rogen and Rudd eventually settle on saying they are "doing a commercial for the 'Big Plate' featuring the 'San Francisco Fifty-Minus-One-ers' and the 'Baltimore Blackbirds.'"


jragosta 18 Years · 10472 comments

Pretty stupid. Obviously, there's nothing about their phone that's good enough to talk about in a commercial so they have to make something dumb like this. Of course, they failed to mention that the jury ordered them to pay over $1,000,000,000 for their blatant copying.

zoffdino 16 Years · 191 comments

This is low class. Like most of Samsung's ads lately, they have focused on poking fun at Apple and sometimes outright insult Apple users. What if Apple runs a counter-ads "what would Samsung copy if we stop innovating"?

ascii 20 Years · 5930 comments

Lol, don't start an advertising war with Apple, creators of the greatest Super Bowl ad ever (1984). They will tear you a new one.

cash907 14 Years · 893 comments

Oh come off it, J rag. That was funny for anyone that doesn't have a chip on their shoulder or a stick up their keister.

malta 13 Years · 78 comments

Originally Posted by AppleInsider 
viewers have interpreted the video as a not-so-subtle jab at the iPhone maker, which has filed a number of patent infringement suits accusing Samsung of copying the look and feel of the iPhone and iPad.


Really? I think the only people that have interpreted it that way are hyper sensitive Apple fans that just look for anything to bash Samsung over.


This is a jab at the NFL and has been a long running joke. The local radio station here has done this joke for years, long before the Apple and Samsung legal war. Every year when the station does a promo for the game or talks about it they make the same jokes.


So by the same logic the local radio station here is now an Apple hater? Even before the iPhone came out?