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Verizon plans purge of 200GB+ bandwidth hogging unlimited data users

Verizon Wireless will force unlimited data subscribers who use over 200 gigabytes of bandwidth per month to change their plan to one with a data cap, or face having their wireless service disconnected.

Employees were recently advised of the policy change, which targets customers managing to average more than 200 gigabytes of usage on a single line "over several months." Affected customers are being sent notices of their excessive usage, with a deadline of Feb. 16 to change their plan.

If a line is disconnected under the new policy, customers will have a 50-day window to resubscribe, though only to plans without unlimited data. The highest-capacity plan Verizon lists on its website offers $100 gigabytes of data per month for $450, with line access fees of between $5 and $20 per connected device.

This is not the first time Verizon has performed a purge of its heaviest users. In July of last year, the carrier encouraged high-bandwidth users to make a similar price plan change, at the time targeting customers using "well in excess" of 100 gigabytes on a single device.

Carriers have spent a number of years slowly migrating its customers away from unlimited data plans in favor of capped services, partly due to the high resource consumption affecting other lower-usage customers. Users with grandfathered unlimited data plans sometimes abuse the service by using it as their sole Internet connection, tethering computers and streaming set-top boxes in their home instead of using broadband.

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MacPro 19 Years · 19853 comments

I don't approve of users that abuse the system either but  I am pretty sure this is just the start with Marsha Blackburn chairing the Communications and Technology subcommittee going forward (or is that backwards?).  Get ready to see the public screwed over by the telcos big time with full Government backing.

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slurpy 16 Years · 5392 comments

Good. I can't even manage 200GB a month with my home connection, with HEAVY usage between myself, my wife, and others. 200GB on a phone is insane, clearly it's being tethered full time and used to endlessly stream video or make massive downloads. I don't have a problem with the purging of this abuse. These kinds of people fuck it up for the rest of us. 

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mwhite 10 Years · 287 comments

Now as of yesterday they charge $30 to activate a new phone and not $20 I guess they need to pay for that crappy Yahoo they are buying. I am glad my ex got her new iPhone last week before the change or it would of cost me more....

PabloTresUnoSeis 9 Years · 114 comments

How do you use 200GB of data on a cellphone? I guess when you don't do jack all day except Netflix & no chill?

christopher126 17 Years · 4366 comments

Give them all $50 to go to the competition! :)