Apple on Thursday launched a new online portal for the Apple Card, letting users manage their cards through a browser.
Credit: Apple
Previously, all Apple Card transactions and management tasks were handled on an iPhone through the Wallet app. That include paying bills, viewing statements and seeing other information.
Credit: Apple
Now, there's a web portal available for Apple Card customers to manage their accounts on any web browser. That includes viewing and paying balances, seeing available credit and past statements, and scheduling future payments. That will be a boon to Apple Card users in some situations. For example, before the online web portal, users who lost their devices were required to call Goldman Sachs to pay off their balances.
The Apple Card launched in 2019 in partnership with Goldman Sachs as a mobile-forward credit solution. Since its debut, Apple has expanded the number of retailers to support 3% Daily Cash and has introduced monthly installment plans for various devices across its product lineup.
On May, the company launched a credit coaching program for Apple Card applicants who had been previously denied. And, amid the coronavirus pandemic, Apple has also kept a payment deferment plan running from March through July.