HomeKit architecture upgrade expected to return in iOS 16.4

By Wesley Hilliard

The new HomeKit architecture saga rolls on, as code discovered in public smart home standards suggests that the new Homekit architecture will return in iOS 16.4 at some point.

HomeKit architecture upgrade returning in iOS 16.4

Users that attempted to upgrade their HomeKit architecture as soon as iOS 16.2 dropped ran into some issues. Devices disappeared or stopped functioning, and users could not undo this upgrade action.

Apple pulled the update after widespread complaints about HomeKit problems, and signs have shown its inevitable return. Now, new information has provided a release window for the feature.

Apple is apparently gearing up to roll out its HomeKit architecture update to users in iOS 16.4. It isn't clear if this is a new version of the update or a bug fix, but those who performed the update before are still stuck in a subpar experience.

GitHub user Nicolas Alvarez discovered code in the Connected Home over IP GitHub that references iOS 16.4 as Apple's new target for the HomeKit architecture update. MacRumors was able to confirm the validity of the code and the referenced feature release.

While the timetable appears likely, this code has been updated before. These strings previously had the iOS 16.2 notation, and there were signs that it would reappear in iOS 16.3, as we've already discussed.

The new beta cycle for iOS 16.4 has been notably absent for over two weeks, a rare gap in testing for Apple.