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Apple releases Boot Camp 1.1.2 beta


Apple Computer on Monday posted to its website an update to Boot Camp, its software dual-boot solution designed to allow users of Intel-based Macs to install and run Microsoft's Windows operating system.

The Cupertino, Calif.-based company said the 143MB Boot Camp 1.1.2 beta "contains several updates and is intended for all new and previous users of the software."

However, the feature set listed on Apple's Boot Camp website is identical to that of previous versions, suggesting the only improvements are support for the latest Intel-based Macs — mainly the Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro.

"If you previously installed Boot Camp beta, you can easily update to Boot Camp 1.1.2 beta," Apple wrote. "You don't need to partition your hard drive again (unless you want to change its size) or reinstall your Macintosh and Windows software or documents, but it's very important to update the Boot Camp Assistant software, create a new Macintosh Drivers for Windows CD and install the updated software it contains on Windows XP.

Complete instructions for updating to the latest version of Boot Camp provided in the Installation and Setup Guide included with the the download.

Boot Camp remains a beta piece of software ahead of its formal inclusion in the next-generation Leopard Mac OS X operating system, which is due out in the first half of 2007.

Since the software is pre-release, Apple at this time does not offer users any additional support beyond the documentation on its website and that included with the beta download.