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Greenpeace 'dirty data' report criticizes Apple's NC data center

A recent report by environmental watchdog Greenpeace on energy practices in cloud computing called out Apple for relying on "dirty" energy for its $1 billion data center in Maiden, NC.

In a report titled "How dirty is your data?", Greenpeace rated Apple as having the lowest Clean Energy Index and the highest Coal Intensity among tech giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Amazon. Apple also received a 'C' for Transparency, an 'F' for instrastructure Siting and a 'C' for Mitigation Strategy on the environmental group's "Clean Cloud Power Report Card."

Apple, along with Facebook and Google, was criticized for contributing to a "dirty data triangle" in North Carolina, where substantial tax incentives from the state have attracted billions of dollars in data center investments from tech companies.

"Apple’s decision to locate its iDataCenter in North Carolina, which has an electrical grid among the dirtiest in the country (61% coal, 31% nuclear45), indicates a lack of a corporate commitment to clean energy supply for its cloud operations," the report said.

Greenpeace estimates that Apple's $1 billion, 500,000 square-foot facility will require 100MW of electricity at full capacity, which could as much as triple the company's energy usage. Reports have also suggested that Apple plans to double the size of the facility to a massive one million square feet.

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Apple's data center in Maiden, N.C. was scheduled to begin operations by the end of last year, but has been met with unspecified delays. In February, the company revealed that the server farm will be used for iTunes and MobileMe when it opens this spring.

Reports emerged on Thursday that Apple has completed work on a cloud-based iTunes music streaming service that will allow users to store their music collections via Internet-connected devices.

Last year, Greenpeace rated Apple the greenest electronics maker. In years past, Apple had been taken to task by the group for its lack of transparency and use of toxic chemicals.

For instance, in 2006, Greenpeace gave Apple a 2.7 out of 10 environmental-friendly rating, with low marks for recycling and its take-back programs.

Greenpeace then launched a "Green my Apple" campaign at the Mac Expo in London, though the group was forced to close its booth after a dispute with the show's organizers.

In 2007, the environmental advocacy group organized a publicity stunt that consisted of shining green spotlights on the 32-foot glass cube at Apple's flagship on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Greenpeace demonstrates outside Apple's flagship location in Manhattan
Greenpeace activists demonstrate with "green" light at the 5th Avenue Apple store in Manhattan.

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs eventually capitulated in May 2007 by releasing a timetable for Apple's efforts to improve its environmental track record.

"Apple has been criticized by some environmental organizations for not being a leader in removing toxic chemicals from its new products, and for not aggressively or properly recycling its old products," said Jobs. "Upon investigating Apple’s current practices and progress towards these goals, I was surprised to learn that in many cases Apple is ahead of, or will soon be ahead of, most of its competitors in these areas."

As evidenced by last year's rating from Greenpeace the company's new policy has largely been successful. Apple announced that the percentage of total weight recycled as compared to the weight of sales 7 years prior was 66.4 percent in 2009, easily surpassing its goal of 24 percent.

In its most recent report, however, even as Greenpeace praised Apple for becoming "increasingly transparent about the environmental footprint and operational performance of its products," the group took Apple to task for not being as forthcoming about its data center and future plans for the cloud.


tundrabuggy 17 Years · 131 comments

GreanPeace, I hope Apple doesn't tell you squat about anything they do. You just made trouble at MacExpo and got kicked out..AWESOME!

How did you like them Apples??

kenwk 14 Years · 25 comments

so do you want wind power to power up the data center? or solar power? or nuclear? Come on.

apple ][ 14 Years · 9225 comments

Apple should release a special edition 24 core anti-green Mac Pro which uses way more energy than the current one and this in turn would also boost the performance to ridiculous and previously unheard of levels. The whole "Green" fad will soon fade away hopefully. Let's get back to raw power. The anti-green Mac would come with a special Meat themed OS and all web sites would now be rendered using the brand new chicken legs font. Folders would look like meatballs and there would be a built in ashtray made from liquid metal conveniently located on top of the Mac Pro. This would guarantee that no Greenpeace types would ever buy that Mac. I would want one and I would display it prominently on my desk to make sure that all Greenpeace types, liberals and morons in general would keep their distance.

solipsism 19 Years · 25701 comments

They built near a power gird and trunk line. Sounds like an efficient plan to me. Isn’t that part of the country filled with coal mines? It wouldn’t be viable to bypass all local power to get power from some hydroelectric plant

fecklesstechguy 15 Years · 501 comments

Lawd-have-mercy! Them Apple folk done gone gotten thar Datacenter thingy all kinds a dirty! Mercy-sakes. Thanks heavens them sweet lil Greenpeace folk was keepin' an eye on the floormats! Funny how so few other companies get the kind of scrutiny that they love to give those darn Apple people! You don't see them Greenpeace folk thumpin' the drum on Samsung, or HTC or Foxconn, or HP or Google - well cuz they just don't grab you by the lapels like a steamin' hot article of indignation about Apple. No sir! Well and the fact that most of their highest contributors are here in the US doesn't hurt either.

So when them nice Greenpeace folk come a-knockin' on your door, be sure to give them something nice for all their efforts! It's hard work drummin' up them dollars if they don't burn Apple in effigy when they need to raise funds!