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IBM: Apple's iOS dominated holiday shopping, 330% greater than Android

Holiday shoppers weren't just buying lots of Apple gear this year; they were buying with Apple gear, with iOS users shopping more than three times as much as mobile users on Android.

According to a report on holiday shopping by IBM, published by Kara Swisher of the Wall Street Journal "All Things D" blog, Apple's iPad "generated more traffic than any other tablet or smartphone, reaching nearly 10 percent of online shopping."

IBM's report on holiday shopping, titled "The iPad Factor," noted that Apple's iPhone was close behind with 8.7 percent of holiday traffic, while Google's entire Android platform accounted for just 5.5 percent.

Among tablets, Apple's iPad made up a whopping 88.3 percent of purchases, followed by The Nook with 3.1 percent, Amazon's storefront-centric Kindle family with 2.4 percent, and Samsung's Galaxy branded tablets making up 1.8 percent of tablet transactions.

Swisher also pointed out that eBay's PalPal division reported that its mobile transactions had grown by a factor of 2-3, much of which was represented by Apple devices. It specifically noted that "one of its bestselling items on Black Friday was the iPad 2, selling 250 per hour from 12 am to 8 am Pacific Time."

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mactel 19 Years · 1275 comments

Not surprising since the iPad is a laptop replacement for many folks. Since getting an iPhone 5 through my employer I've been happy to use its browser almost as easily as I have used a desktop browser (way better than the Blackberry browser the iPhone replaced). Video on Youtube is great. I can see shopping on my iPhone while waiting in line on a Black Friday. My Kindle Fire's browser is horrible so I don't use it. I don't know if they improved the Silk browser on the Kindle HD as whatever OS is running on there won't see the light of day on my 1st generation Kindle Fire. The iPod Touch refresh will see many scooping those up for the holidays as that's a solid refresh and almost good enough to replace the iPhone for many. Why that don't offer a carrier 3G one minus the Phone is a little odd to me. I'd like 3G/4G wherever I go without the phone service like the iPad cousins. I could then use Skype or FaceTime. That would save everyone the double bills on voice and data that go over the same network.

tallest skil 15 Years · 43086 comments



But Android!

solipsismx 14 Years · 19562 comments

Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?

tallest skil 15 Years · 43086 comments

Originally Posted by SolipsismX 
…some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?


"Dude, I, like, totally just got this new phone, bra."


"Wicked, man. What's it all do?"

"I dunno, man, but I totally just changed my user agent."


"What does that even meeeeeeeeean?!" "I know, bra!"

dasanman69 16 Years · 12999 comments

[quote name="SolipsismX" url="/t/154582/ibm-apples-ios-dominated-holiday-shopping-330-greater-than-android#post_2236729"]Can we say finally say that Android devices are not being used as smart devices the way Apple's products are or are some still going to argue it's because Android users change their User Agent?[/quote] Though I've seen people use their iPhones as glorified feature phones it's far more prevalent with Android. My mom recently said she wanted a "big" phone (smartphone) but my sister (who pays the bill) quickly shot her down. I'm not really surprised Apple is selling so well, I can't wait to see this quarterly report.