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Apple CEO vows to take \"blogger\" suit to Supreme Court


Apple Computer chief executive Steve Jobs told a crowd at this week's Wall Street Journal D: All Things Digital Conference that he will take his lawsuits involving several Apple online news sites to the Supreme Court if he has to.

Shortly after demonstrating a new version of iTunes and dodging questions about whether Apple would enter the video market, Jobs began to justifying his decision to sue online journalists for reporting on Apple's future product plans.

The Apple CEO claimed that "no one has the right to publish confidential information just because they can," according to a post made by Wired magazine co-founder John Battelle on his Searchblog website.

Jobs vowed to take the issue to the Supreme Court, if necessary.

Asked why he pulled all Wiley books from his Apple Stores over an unauthorized biography driven to market by publisher, Jobs said, "I didn't want to do business with them." But then he added, "People can publish whatever they want to publish."