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Apple's Schiller to angry developer: "We hear you"

Apple executive Phil Schiller has again responded to a developer's complaints about his company's App Store approvals, this time sending an e-mail to the co-founder of a prominent Mac development studio.

Steven Frank, of Panic, makers of Transmit, Coda and Unison, said on his blog that he received a personal e-mail from Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing after he publicly stated that he's boycotting his iPhone after the company rejected an e-book reader. Frank, who is not an iPhone developer, declined to re-print Schiller's note, but instead summarized his points.

"I haven’t sought Phil’s explicit permission to republish the letter," Frank wrote, "so I won’t do so here. But to summarize, he said: 'We’re listening to your feedback.' Not all of my suggested solutions were viable, he said, but they were taking it all in as they continue to evolve the App Store."

Schiller also denied a rumor that Apple is rejecting every ebook reader submitted to the App Store. Frank went on to describe Schiller's e-mail as polite and courteous, and said he was grateful that the Apple executive took the time to contact him.

"As I’ve said repeatedly, communication will solve this problem — not silence," he wrote. "Let’s push that communication down from executives-to-bloggers to app-store-to-developers and I think we’ve really got a breakthrough."

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In his original post declaring his boycott, Frank said he believes that Apple's approval and rejection of software from the App Store is sometimes illogical. He said when he first complained about Apple's policies, a lot of people responded by telling him not to develop for the iPhone — so, he said, he hasn't. Frank's comments were on behalf of himself, and not Panic.

"I’ve reached a point where I can no longer just sit back and watch this," he said. "The iPhone ecosystem is toxic, and I can’t participate any more until it is fixed. As people have told me so many times: It’s Apple’s ballgame, and Apple gets to make the rules, and if I don’t like it, I can leave. So, I don’t like it, and I’m leaving."

In an addendum to his original post, Frank added that he is still unsure about his stance on the Apple and the iPhone.

"Upon further reflection, I think the true litmus test will be how Apple and AT&T formally respond to the FCC inquiry about Google Voice. That is due no later than the 21st, a week from Friday. That decision really cuts to the crux of the whole thing for me, and the great thing (for us users) is everyone has to come out and say something about what happened. No more speculation."

Last week, Schiller made an unprecedented move in responding to Jon Gruber of Daring Fireball about the handling of an iPhone dictionary application's approval.


aplnub 21 Years · 2385 comments

Apple really needs to communicate clearly and effectively starting yesterday. If developers and consumers don't know where they stand with Apple, that is a major problem.

I also think that Apple is underestimating the backlash they are in line for if they keep this crap up. Even MS Windows users joke and poke fun of MS as if they can't get anything right. How much longer before Apple is known as something far worse because of their lack of clear communication which comes off as arrogant and controlling.

Phil may hear the developers, but I wonder if they are listening.

I also wouldn't expect to know anything after the 21st. Can't all parties involved file for a privacy provision? I am not very sure how that works. We could be in the dark for a while on all that.

ltmp 16 Years · 204 comments

Apple has really gotten themselves into a mess. From the outset of the App Store, they knew that they had to maintain content standards similar to the iTunes store, they knew that they had to keep AT&T happy (and other carriers around the globe), and they knew that they wanted LOTS of Apps.

What they didn't know was that they'd have thousands of submissions each month. So they had to scramble to build a system that could manage the load, and trust employees to make decisions on their own using ambiguous guidelines without any real oversight.

Add that to Apples long standing policy of remaining mute about problems until they have a solution in mind, and you get a lot of pissed of developers.

Schiller's involvement is a great sign that things will be improving.

I hope.

sgsstatestudent 16 Years · 810 comments

Originally Posted by LTMP

Apple has really gotten themselves into a mess. From the outset of the App Store, they knew that they had to maintain content standards similar to the iTunes store, they knew that they had to keep AT&T happy (and other carriers around the globe), and they knew that they wanted LOTS of Apps.

What they didn't know was that they'd have thousands of submissions each month. So they had to scramble to build a system that could manage the load, and trust employees to make decisions on their own using ambiguous guidelines without any real oversight.

Add that to Apples long standing policy of remaining mute about problems until they have a solution in mind, and you get a lot of pissed of developers.

Schiller's involvement is a great sign that things will be improving.

I hope.

+1. But we can't be too sure yet..

irnchriz 18 Years · 1595 comments

yawn, more moaning by iPhone developers..... no, wait they haven't produced anything for the iPhone.

al_bundy 16 Years · 1525 comments

Palm and Microsoft have such a good opening to steal developers and get the light to shine on their products, but they will probably screw it up. Apple has cost some devs a lot of money and that is when people start to get scared in developing future products

but apple is afraid to hire more people because it will reduce profit growth