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Nielsen: iPhone users download the most mobile apps by far

In its "State of Mobile Apps," Nielsen Wire notes that apps are dramatically drawing users to smartphones, and that Apple's lead in apps is vast.

The report, which surveyed more than 4,200 people, found that 21% of US wireless subscribers had a smartphone by the end of 2009, up from just 14% a year ago.

Of all phone users, 14% had downloaded a mobile app within the last month. However, smartphone users were consuming far more apps, reporting on average 22 apps on their devices compared to just 10 on feature phones.

Users with iPhone reported an average of 37 apps, as many as the average number of apps on BlackBerry (10), Palm (14), and Windows Mobile (13) users' phones combined and significantly more than the average Android user (22).

Games played a large part of apps users were downloading, with 65% of users reporting having used them in the last month. More than half of the users surveyed also identified social networking, news and weather, and maps or navigation apps as apps they recently used.

Facebook was the clear favorite on all smartphone platforms for social media, but was also the top app on nearly every platform in terms of reported use. Google Maps and the Weather Channel were also very popular across platforms.

Individual platforms also had a unique favorite app: iPhone users frequently used iPod and iTunes, while BlackBerry users were unique in accessing ESPN and Android users were using Google Search more, all of which reflect the user demographics and apps available for those platforms.

Nielson predicts smartphones to overtake the market for simpler feature phones next year, indicating the popularity of mobile apps will only continue to grow.


jetz 15 Years · 1293 comments

In other words, the more apps that are available (especially for free), the more people download. This is news?

ghostface147 17 Years · 1628 comments

In other news, RIM announces a lot of their customers are business users.

joe hs 15 Years · 487 comments

Originally Posted by ghostface147

In other news, RIM announces a lot of their customers are business users.

iPhone users having most apps isn't really that surprising is it.

and wow- my 37 apps are above average, and I used to have 180 lol

dfiler 23 Years · 3394 comments

Originally Posted by Jetz

In other words, the more apps that are available (especially for free), the more people download. This is news?

That seems like a false extrapolation. And yes, this is news.

People don't significantly change their downloading habits based upon whether 100,000 apps or 500,000 apps are available. For example, for much of the Macs history, Mac users installed and used many more programs than their Windows counterparts. This was despite there being more apps available for windows.

People download and use apps if those apps are useful, usable and/or entertaining. This is more a result of platform usability than of the total number of apps available.

damn_its_hot 16 Years · 1213 comments

This is not news -- it is the same as Mac users using more applications total and more apps at a time.