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Apple Cinema Display page under maintenance ahead of Thunderbolt update [u]

Shortly after leaked images of an updated Thunderbolt-capable LED Cinema Display surfaced, the Apple Online Store's page for the product stopped working, serving as further evidence that a refresh is imminent.

Update: Apple has restored the pages in question to working order.

Late Friday, Apple's own links to the product page for its $999 27-inch LED display went down, instead offering up the message, "Oops! An error has occurred during your session," as noticed by TUAW.

Additionally, the digital storefront's Displays & Graphics page shows a placeholder cardboard box image for the product and links to the currently unavailable Cinema Display page. However, the correct image does show up in the Similar Products view.

While it's certainly possible that Apple is merely experiencing technical difficulties with its website, Friday's discovery of images on Apple's servers showing off a new Thunderbolt-equipped display point to the likelihood of an upcoming refresh. URLs for the images identified the part number for the new displays as "MC914," which had previously been claimed to be for either a Mac Pro or white MacBook.

One leaked image depicts two Cinema Displays daisy-chained to a MacBook Pro. The images are also noteworthy because they feature the new Mac OS X Lion desktop background instead of the Snow Leopard background depicted on images of the current version of the display.

Cinema 1

AppleInsider was first to report the company's plans for a Thunderbolt-equipped display last month. Given the apparent timing of the update, the new displays could launch alongside upgrade MacBook Air models, which are expected to arrive soon.

The new ultra-thin laptops are said to include the Thunderbolt I/O, new Sandy Bridge processors from Intel and backlit keyboards. AppleInsider noted last month that Apple has been holding back the machines until Lion is finished. The next major upgrade to Mac OS X is scheduled to arrive sometime in July. People familiar with the matter have recently suggested that last minute security issues related to the new app resume feature may have resulted in minor delays.


zunx 21 Years · 619 comments

Apple: this is a health and productivity issue. Please, include matte displays, at least as an option.

You can sign the matte petition at:

MacMatte (matte petition)

jakevin. 14 Years · 71 comments

MacRumors is reporting that an iMac was seen sporting the new Lion wallpaper in the Apple Online Store as well which was later removed...

These reports of the Cinema Display, broken links and Lion wallpapers would surely be strong indications that not only is the Cinema Display imminent but in fact Lion...

Also, in pictures of the Cinema Display that were leaked, a Mac Mini is shown which may suggest that if an update was made alongside Lion, its aesthetics would be similar.Updated: The images on MacRumors which AppleInsider posted several of recently, show a Mac Mini connected to a Cinema Display via what looks like a Thunderbolt cable... Hmm...

sflocal 17 Years · 6142 comments

What unbelievable luck! I just purchased my 27" display for my MBA (office monitor) TODAY! About 2 hours after unpacking it for weekend testing, I read the article. Talk about pure coincidence!

The LED Display page was down a few hours, but is back up now (here in SF) with no mention of the Thunderbolt setup.

I've got two weeks of use with my current display before I can return it. If the new one is days away, I will be curious to know how compatible the Thunderbolt port is with my late 2010 MBA. If there are no options for me and others with non-Thunderbolt machines, I'll stick with the one I just bought.

I did hook it up to my 27" i7 iMac as a second monitor just for kicks. The amount of real estate is just insane! They are beautiful monitors.

Clock is ticking...

jakevin. 14 Years · 71 comments

Originally Posted by mymoon

But I still see it in CA.

Originally Posted by sflocal

The LED Display page was down a few hours, but is back up now (here in SF) with no mention of the Thunderbolt setup.
Clock is ticking...

It seems the US store has it back up but Australia's page still goes to that "Oops." message. I think they were probably testing it for their website overhaul once Lion/Cinema Display/MBA's/Maybe Mini's or Macbooks are all released.Think about the number of images on the site with SL wallpaper... My god. What a big change.