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Apple releases AirPort Utility 6.2 for Mac with expanded guest Wi-Fi support [u]

Last updated

Apple on Thursday released an update to its AirPort Utility software for Mac, giving users the ability to extend guest Wi-Fi to multiple AirPort Base Stations.

AirPort Utility 6.2 for Mac is now available to download from Apple. The update is 20.64 megabytes and requires OS X 10.7.5 or later, or OS X 10.8.2.

AirPort Utility can be used to set up and manage a Wi-Fi network and 802.11n AirPort Base Stations, including AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme, and Time Capsule. The software update includes the following fixes and additions, according to Apple:

  • The ability to extend the Guest Wi-Fi network on a network that is configured with multiple AirPort Base Stations
  • The ability to add a WPS-capable Wi-Fi printer
  • Improved international support

Update: Apple has also released firmware version 7.6.3 for its AirPort Base Station and Time Capsule to go along with AirPort Utility 6.2. The latest update is meant for all 802.11n AirPort Express, 802.11n AirPort Extreme and Time Capsule models.

Aside from the usual bug fixes, the update includes the following additions:

  • Extend the Guest Wi-Fi network for a network configured with multiple AirPort Base Stations
  • Ability to add a WPS capable Wi-Fi printer
  • Support for additional countries

Apple recommends that users have AirPort Utility 5.6 or later installed before updating to version 7.6.3.