Apple on Thursday aired its newest TV commercial for the iPhone, with the spot straying from the tone set by the company's most recent iPhone and iPad ads, which highlighted the bevy of apps available for iOS.
The commercial, titled "Photos Every Day," marks the return to a focus on hardware last seen in September when the iPhone 5 first launched.
Unlike those commercials, which had a humorous tone and playful music, the latest iPhone spot, which shows people using the smartphone's camera, has a more "dramatic" feel. The newest ad is also a departure from the latest app-centric campaign touting the hundreds of thousands of apps available across all iOS devices.
Only one line of dialogue makes its way into the ad, with the narrator saying at the end of the one-minute long spot, "Everyday, more photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera."
This is a very well-produced ad. Worth watching a few times over at least. Fantastic photography and editing. Very Apple. Edit: And another thing, The ad shows how the size and non-curvy shape of the phone helps you take better pictures in active situations. IPhones have squared-off edges to make them more like little flat cameras. In obvious contrast to the monster slippery phones of a certain other company which could never make this commercial. This story really belongs on AI's front page.
Love this commercial! I'm a professional musician and really enjoyed the music selection. Is there a way to find out what it is or was it written specifically for the commercial? My daughter is right now trying to learn it in the piano by listening to it repeatedly after recording it off the tv! We Shazamed it but nothing comes up.
I just saw this commercial and loved it. It's beautiful. Great job.
This the best I could find of where the music came from. Not an official song but this is the composer:
Apple on Thursday aired its newest TV commercial for the iPhone, with the spot straying from the tone set by the company's most recent iPhone and iPad ads, which highlighted the bevy of apps available for iOS.
The commercial, titled "Photos Every Day," marks the return to a focus on hardware last seen in September when the iPhone 5 first launched.
Unlike those commercials, which had a humorous tone and playful music, the latest iPhone spot, which shows people using the smartphone's camera, has a more "dramatic" feel. The newest ad is also a departure from the latest app-centric campaign touting the hundreds of thousands of apps available across all iOS devices.
Only one line of dialogue makes its way into the ad, with the narrator saying at the end of the one-minute long spot, "Everyday, more photos are taken with the iPhone than any other camera."
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