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Steve Jobs wanted Dell to license Mac OS

Tuesday is the 10th anniversary of Steve Jobs' passing and industry heavyweights are sharing stories about the late tech guru, with one tidbit from Michael Dell revealing a potential deal that could have reshaped history.

Dell discussed his relationship with Jobs — and his upcoming memoir, "Play Nice But Win: A CEO's Journey from Founder to Leader" — in an interview with CNET, saying that he first met the late Apple co-founder at a computer user group. While that information has been public knowledge for some time, Dell expounds on a business offer involving Jobs and Apple that has not been previously reported.

According to Dell, he became friends with Jobs in the years after he solidified his company's position as a leader in the PC industry. In 1993, Dell said that Jobs visited his house in Texas multiple times to pitch adoption of the Next operating system. Jobs created NeXT after being ousted from Apple, but the expensive workstation and its revolutionary operating system were not seeing the commercial success he expected.

Dell declined the overtures citing a lack of software and consumer interest.

Jobs tried again in 1997 when he returned to Apple as interim CEO after the struggling computer firm acquired NeXT, asking Dell to license a version of Mac OS that was built on NeXT's Mach software. At the time, Apple engineers had ported the OS onto an x86 machine.

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"He said, look at this — we've got this Dell desktop and it's running Mac OS," Dell said of the pitch. "Why don't you license the Mac OS?"

Dell was interested and said he would pay a licensing fee for every PC sold with Mac OS, but Jobs was concerned that the strategy would eat into Apple's Mac sales. Countering, Jobs proposed installing Mac OS and Windows side-by-side on all Dell computers, allowing customers to choose which system to use. Dell would pay Apple a cut of all computer sales for the privilege.

The proposal didn't make sense for Dell, who notes that he would have to pay Apple licensing fees even if his customers didn't use Mac OS. Further, Jobs was unable to guarantee continued access to the software.

"It could have changed the trajectory for Windows and Mac OS on PCs," Dell said. "But obviously, they went in a different direction."

Jobs and Dell were rivals in a cutthroat sector and sometimes traded barbs in open discourse. For example, when asked what he would do with a then-underwater Apple, Dell in 1997 said he would "shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders."

Despite the public jabs and intense competition, the pair remained friends, Dell said.


Xed 5 Years · 3012 comments

lmasanti said:
He is just trying to sell its book! Almost the only thing that remains of his company past!

Of course he is, but that doesn't mean he's lying.

This bit sounds like Jobs and Dell was prudent not to take the deal.

Jobs proposed installing Mac OS and Windows side-by-side on all Dell computers, allowing customers to choose which system to use. Dell would pay Apple a cut of all computer sales for the privilege. […] [Dell] would have to pay Apple licensing fees even if his customers didn't use Mac OS. Further, Jobs was unable to guarantee continued access to the software.

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fastasleep 15 Years · 6459 comments

lmasanti said:
He is just trying to sell its book! Almost the only thing that remains of his company past!

Do he remember that he said to sell everything on Apple and give back the money to shareholders?

Did he remember that when Apple surpassed Dell in cap value… Steve Jobs refused to mock him saying: “Things come and go”?

Cheap marketing action!

"Do he remember?" Probably, because that's literally discussed in the CNET interview. Have you never seen anyone do a press tour for an autobiography before? What a bizarre comment.

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jimh2 9 Years · 684 comments

The only other person who can confirm this conversation is dead so there is no need to drag Jobs into his need to sell his book. 

I'd like to meet 10 people who buy this book and read it. Of course it will be on The NY Times best seller list but by now everyone should know by now that bookstores by this garbage sell a few and return the rest to the publisher where they will be resold to the stores that peddle other non-interesting zero value books and merchandise that cannot be sold in legitimate store. This process does get authors on best seller lists.

Another thing that happens is the company (Dell) will buy enough of these to give to their employees and this counts as a sale. At least his employees will have some kindling.

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glennh 10 Years · 74 comments

Michael Dell does not need the money from any book sell either today or yesterday. 

What he says made more sense for Apple but not Dell at that time. Had this happen we could be looking at a different landscape today for both companies and those two founders! 

Take the story for what it is… just another personal Reminiscence of the genius and relevance of Steve Job.

RIP… you did change the world including mine for the better! 

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Fred257 6 Years · 275 comments

Thank goodness this never happened.  Apple has refined their hardware to match the software because of this.  Thanks Mr. Dell for making a better decision for humanity, your rejection was absolutely our gain!

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