What's coming in iOS 18 — and what will wait until iOS 18.1

By Malcolm Owen

Apple is getting close to releasing the iPhone 16 and with it, iOS 18, to the public. While most of the features will be available immediately, here's what won't turn up until iOS 18.1.

Hand holding a smartphone with a red X over the screen, logo of the number 18 in the background.

Not all iOS 18 features will be available from the start.

The inbound introduction and release of the iPhone 16 smartphone range is happening within weeks, and so too is iOS 18. As usual, there will be a lot of users looking forward to the operating system changes included within that release.

However, while Apple has teased a lot of features that will be on the way, not everything will be included in that initial salvo. In some cases, prominent features won't turn up until the next update, iOS 18.1.

Indeed, this is already visible through Apple's developer beta-testing process. Rather than just trialling iOS 18 alone, it's also simultaneously shaking down iOS 18.1, which has more features.

Arriving in iOS 18

The vast majority of features will be arriving in the main iOS 18 update itself. This larger group ranges from customizing your iPhone's appearance to Messages changes, to privacy, and other areas.




iPhone showing a text conversation about packing and traveling, with a satellite tracking message at the top.

Use satellites to send messages in iOS 18




Hiking in iOS 18's Maps

Game Mode and AirPods



Apple TV app

Home app


Delayed until iOS 18.1

A lot of what will be missing from iOS 18 will actually be things powered by Apple Intelligence. Apple's generative AI and machine learning features collection is being tested under iOS 18.1's developer betas.

Some of these elements aren't specifically labeled as being Apple Intelligence, but they are powered by the same technology.

Apple Intelligence


Apple Photos Clean Up

Call Recording


Home app