Google drops support for H.264 video in Chrome to push WebM
Google has announced the intention to remove support for H.264 video playback from its Crome browser to "enable open innovation," yet still apparently plans to promote Adobe Flash.
Google has announced the intention to remove support for H.264 video playback from its Crome browser to "enable open innovation," yet still apparently plans to promote Adobe Flash.
Apple's new Mac App Store has more than doubled the new users signing up with Evernote's cloud-based note capturing service when it opened two days ago, while Apple itself is also benefitting handsomely from setting up an App Store for Mac users.
Apple on Thursday released an update containing bug and security fixes for its Safari Web browser, with version 5.0.3 for Windows, Mac OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard, and 4.1.3 for Mac users running Tiger.
A preview version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 browser engine passed more elements of a web standards test than a random selection of other browsers in the Worldwide Web Consortium's "vastly incomplete" HTML5 test suite, creating a news story that W3C members decried as "incorrect information" based on a "rather buggy test results page."
Apple has updated its iMovie app for iPhone 4 and the fourth-generation iPod touch, and released incremental updates for Safari and iWeb.
In addition to activating extensions, Apple's latest update to the Safari Web browser also plugs a potentially dangerous security hole that could allow hackers to obtain a user's personal information.
Apple on Wednesday released Safari 5.0.1, the latest version of its Web browser, with Safari Extension enabled. Users can also download Extensions through the newly launched gallery.
Danish security firm Secunia has issued a report graphically assailing Apple as having the "most security vulnerabilities" despite noting in its research that the "statistics provided should NOT be used to compare the overall security of products against one another."
The autofill feature found in Apple's Safari Web browser could be used by a hacker to illegally obtain a user's personal information, including their name and e-mail address, a security researcher has discovered.
Apple has sent a reminder to its developers that the company's new storefront for web extensions will be opening to the public soon, providing an App Store-like experience for customizing and extending the new Safari 5 browser.
The iPhone 4 simulator included in Apple's iOS 4 development tools provides an early look at how much clarity the increased resolution of the new Retina Display delivers.
Disgruntled at having been characterized as 'malicious' by AT&T, the group of hackers who exploited a hole in the wireless operator's website last week have fired back by accusing both AT&T and Apple of acting irresponsibly in regard to iPad security.
Apple on Monday released Safari 5, the latest version of its desktop Web browser, with a 30 percent performance increase, the addition of Bing search and secure sandboxed extensions, as well as support for more than a dozen new HTML5 technologies.
Newly revealed documents suggest that Apple could launch Safari 5 with a new "Reader" feature, the addition of Bing search support and expanded HTML5 support. In addition, evidence of the final release of Mac OS X 10.6.4 has also surfaced [Update: Xcode 4, too].
Microsoft's share of web browser use has dropped to an historic low below 60% for the first time since Internet Explorer 4 passed the beleaguered Netscape back in 1999.
Opera's new browser for iPhone offers an edge in speed in exchange for less than accurate page rendering. However, the free new browser isn't just taking shortcuts; its weak performance in the Acid3 test demonstrates that it doesn't correctly support web standards.
A new framework for the WebKit open source Web browser layout engine was revealed Thursday, bringing with it a built-in "split process model" that will keep Web content such as JavaScript, HTML and layout in a separate process in browsers such as Apple's Safari and Mobile Safari.
Apple said Thursday that it has shipped over 450,000 iPads since the device went on sale this past Saturday, spurring 3.5 million app downloads for the new tablet device by its earliest adopters.
Apple Thursday evening released a new update to Safari for Mac and Windows, with the latest browser version improving its performance, stability and security.
A comparison of streaming video via the Adobe Flash and HTML5 formats with numerous different browsers on both Mac and Windows produced wildly different results based on the operating system and browser, making neither a clear winner.
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