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Wal-Mart and Apple will team to promote iPod shuffle

Apple Computer has initiated a partnership with Wal-Mart that will soon see the iPod shuffle featured at Wal-Mart discount locations around the country, AppleInsider has learned.

According to sources close to the retail giant, Wal-Mart in April will begin receiving mass quantities of Apple's new iPod shuffle digital music player, which it will then make available in many, if not all, of its nearly 5000 locations.

The deal between the two companies will be capped by a feature in Wal-Mart's March tabular advertisement, sources say.

Typically speaking, a Wal-Mart feature calls for at least 50 units — in this case 25+ of each shuffle model — per hometown store, while metro area locations would require significantly larger quantities of the product.

Figuring conservatively, with 5000 stores each receiving approximately 50 units, the feature alone would demand a quarter million shuffles. "That of course is in addition to regular sell through, and is a very conservative number," sources added.

Wal-Mart, which initially seemed willing to provide AppleInsider with specifics of the endeavor, abruptly recanted on its offer, citing confidentiality agreements with its suppliers.

The company also declined to say whether it would begin carrying Apple's new Mac mini computer. However, sources claim this is unlikely due to the mini's higher price point and lack of mainstream appeal.

Also on Friday, word broke that Best Buy had signed on to carry Apple's Mac mini in some of its retail stores. A report in The Mac Observer provides subsequent confirmation of the deal, adding that Best Buy will also begin marketing the 512MB iPod shuffle at over 780 of its stores.

In its investigation into the Wal-Mart deal, AppleInsider learned that the retailer had originally sought to launch its feature of the iPod shuffle a little later in the year. Apple reportedly told Wal-Mart it would be unable to guarantee sufficient quantity for all its stores at this later date, suggesting it may have already committed to similar deals with other large retailers within the same time frame.


sheilae 19 Years · 15 comments

oh man. . .
Wal Mart? Isn't that the place where the employees make minimum wage (or, less, if they can find contractors who'll hire illegal immigrants for them as they look the other way?) and have to pay more than the average worker does to get their families insured?
Isn't that the place that keeps their lawyers busy defending them against class action lawsuits detailing no pay for hours worked, women unable to become managers, etc.?

say it ain't so, Steve. . .

grahamw 20 Years · 239 comments

the Wammy-lart = the world's largest single retail chain. Essentially this is the action of the plebs seeing a lovely wooden horse outside and hauling it onto the sales floor for distribution into houses everywhere.

Two elements to this decision:
1. iTMS will make a bloody fortune - Walmart has their own music store, but sadly, it's incompatible, and who really wants their music censored anyway? Enter the Halo Effect(tm)*
2. if the shuffle does well, you may just see the mini on Walmart sales floors. Increased Mac sales will reduce the average stress level of the joe six pack consumer due to zilch on the virus and spyware front making the North Atlantic area glow with happiness, they'll purchase more technology, leading us into an economic renaissance leading to prosperity and joy for all and the streets will flow free will milk and honey.

Seriously though, with due respect to the red and blue smocks out there, it matters not what the compensation model is for staff at Walmart (which I imagine isn't near as bad as what you've described). This is la capitalisme! Don't like your job? Get a better one. Can't get a better one? Go get an education for Jobs sake!

Walmart is just another lovely distribution channel to invade and conquer. Rule Mactania, yo.*Halo Effect(tm) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the RDF(c)(tm)(r)

nagromme 22 Years · 2831 comments

Great for Apple, and ultimately the Mac platform... but Wal-Mart deserves a boycott if anyone ever did! For an ENDLESS list of reasons. (These are the people that put up a store half a mile from the ancient Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico--despite local objections.)

If you have WMP or Real, check out this PBS documentary on Wal-Mart: