Apple on Tuesday rolled out an update to its flagship digital media store and iOS device hub, bringing a new "Composers" view for music and the usual speed and reliability upgrades.
The newest version 11.0.2 builds on Apple's latest major iTunes 11 release from November 2012 by adding a so-called "Composer" view for users' music libraries.
iTunes 11 was a complete redesign of the digital storefront, bringing a number of new features to the platform, including a MiniPlayer, tighter iCloud integration and improved search, among others.
Apple's newest version 11.0.2 can be downloaded via Software Update.
The implication here is, I believe, that "Composers" will show up in the sorting bar.
You need to turn on Column View, and then you'll see Composers as an option.
There's a "Show Composers" checkbox in the preferences that adds the category to the sorting bar and enables a composers view similar to the one for artists, albeit without the album art.
My only gripe with iTunes is with iTunes Match which still fails to recognize tons of my CDs purchased when I lived in the UK. So most of my UK collection are uploaded rather than matched. It seems, and this is just a guess, that Apple have somehow failed to cross reference the information from UK CDs for iTunes USA. Has anyone else seen this? Or is this a licensing issue maybe?
[quote name="Tallest Skil" url="/t/156069/apples-itunes-update-brings-new-composer-view-minor-enhancements#post_2280573"]The implication here is, I believe, that "Composers" will show up in the sorting bar. However… [URL=]
Fastest way is just right click the bar underneath the main one and select new column headers. Not exactly obvious I'll admit, Or as mentioned above use prefs to add to the main bar.