The Apple Watch can offer inconsistent power consumption while tracking workouts, particularly during outdoor activities like cycling, according to a handful of complaints received by AppleInsider and seen on Twitter.
Apple officially states that the Watch should be able to last up to 6.5 hours under non-stop workout conditions. In many real-world cases the device is close to that mark, but in some instances users said their wearable has fallen well short.
One AppleInsider reader noted that he was able to get just two hours of battery life while cycling. Most Twitter comments appear to praise battery life during exercise, but one example from Twitter mentions power dropping 13 percentage points in 34 minutes of activity.
Another cyclist said his Watch fell to 29 percent after a little over three hours and 15 minutes of riding.
One of biggest drains on the Watch during a workout is the heart rate sensor, which flashes rapid visible or infrared light pulses to monitor blood flow. Apple in fact offers a "Power Saving Mode" in the Workout section of the Apple Watch iPhone app that will force less intense tracking. Users who are experiencing poor battery life during workouts should try this setting to extend uptime.
Outdoor exercises are likely imposing extra drain since they ideally use a paired iPhone's GPS to calculate distance. The Watch has built-in motion sensors, but these are less accurate for distance measurements.
Apple estimates that under regular conditions, the Watch should last 18 hours on a charge, including a 30-minute workout with on-device music playback, and 45 minutes of app use.
Idiots! It's not meant for workouts so long
They better fix this fast. I am getting the Sport model specifically for cycling, and using it in conjunction with the Strava app. Two "killer apps" for me: 1) getting notifications while cycling, such that I don't have to stop the bike and get my phone out; 2) seeing my Strava stats while on the bike, again, without the need to stop and get my phone out. The Apple Watch will fail (for me) if its power capabilities fall short in this respect.
This might be the buggiest hardware product Apple has ever launched. It should have a beta tag slapped on it. All I hear about this thing are complaints. And every time I run into a person wearing one in the wild, their wrist spin never lights up the screen. The wheels are coming off in Cupertino.
This might be the buggiest hardware product Apple has ever launched. It should have a beta tag slapped on it. All I hear about this thing are complaints. And every time I run into a person wearing one in the wild, their wrist spin never lights up the screen. The wheels are coming off in Cupertino.
LOL! Chicken Little fail.
My experience is not perfect, but it's not what you said. Not nearly.
Prior to the watch coming out and I am no Fitness nut either I was researching fitness and activities monitors, the general consensuses among those who seem to know is there is no reason to track your heart rate constantly as you exercise. Yes there is group people seem to make a big deal about it ,however, there is no benefit to knowing this information unless you doing some sort of research and your tracking how a specific activity changes your heart rate over time. This is just a group of OCD types who think knowing this information will some how make them a better athlete. I think we have an example of people using the device in a way which is not an intended use case nor needed. Beside the constant monitoring of the heart, I wonder if they are having the same issue that was reported about the display staying on while driving. If while cycling the motion keeps the screen active along with the heart rate monitor being active I can see this killing the battery.