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Latest demos with iOS 11 ARKit show plated food, 3D sculpting with Apple Pencil

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Two new ARKit demonstrations by developers are showing the rapid advancement of what is possible with the new technology, with one showing food on a plate prior to ordering, and the other illustrating sculpting and painting with the iPad for use in other AR applications.

The demonstration of a new sculpting app illustrates a face being crafted in the forthcoming Maker Studio, including color and texture.

Potentially more impressive is a proof of concept by Kabaq. The demonstration depicted a series of very-near photographic quality foods, including two desserts and a hamburger on a plate.

Properly executed, the app can give the user a good feel for not only appearance of the food, but portion size as well. Beyond just menus, the company notes that the app can be used for cookbooks, and wider marketing initiatives as well.

These demos, and many more can be found on the MadewithARKit Twitter account. Updated frequently, the feed curates the best of what it sees, and appears to be the most frequently updated stream at this time.

Apple Vice President Craig Federighi announced ARKit during the 2017 WWDC keynote. The project contains a developer toolset that it will make available to nearly instantaneously make the iPhone and iPad the largest AR platform in the world, according to the company.

In a demonstration of software produced by the new ARKit, the software identified a table surface, and applied a virtual coffee cup properly scaled to the surface. Following a lamp's addition to the surface, the lighting model adjusted dynamically as Federighi moved the lamp around the cup.

A statement in Apple's developer information limits compatibility to A9 processor and newer, with little other amplifying information. Apple notes that the "breakthrough performance" in the two processors allow for "fast scene understanding" without breaking down why the A8 can't technically accomplish the same feat.