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Tim Cook offers tribute to Steve Jobs on 8th anniversary of his passing

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Apple CEO Tim Cook has marked the 8th anniversary of the passing of company co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs with a post to Twitter, publishing a photograph of the luminary outside the Fifth Avenue Apple Store.

Posted to Twitter on Saturday morning, Cook quotes Steve Jobs in his piece, writing "The most precious resource we all have is time." Cook goes on to tell Jobs posthumously "Remembering you always."

Steve Jobs passed away at around 3pm Pacific Time on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at his Palo Alto home, aged 56. The death was caused by pancreatic cancer, a rare illness Jobs fought against since he was 49, and one that prompted an extended leave of absence from Apple in 2009 to undergo a liver transplant. He later stepped down from his role at Apple in August 2011.

The choice of the accompanying photograph of Jobs is apt, as it is of the Apple logo within the famous glass cube of the Fifth Avenue Apple Store in New York. The retail outlet recently reopened following an extensive two-year refurbishment, which saw the underground store expanded in size, and the Cube itself was temporarily removed and reworked at an estimated cost of $2 million.

Jobs originally opened Apple Fifth Avenue in 2006, and since then it has received over 57 million visitors.