Apple SVP of Software Engineering Craig Federighi has offered some advice to an aspiring programmer in an email, with the Apple executive advising to keep studying, become an expert, broaden their horizons, and to follow their heart.
A post to Reddit on Saturday revealed Federighi is willing to write at length about life advance when asked in an email. A screenshot of a message sent to user "Aedengeo" reveals his response to being asked if he had advice for young people aspiring to become a programmer at a company like Apple.
Federighi's response starts off highlighting that there are "many different roads to this destination," before offering suggestions of ideas that "were important" to him. Dedicating time to study while at University is offered first, due to there being "so much knowledge available to you," and urging to "take advantage of this special opportunity."
The need to "go broad and deep" suggest the need to be an expert in "your area of specialization" but also to look for inspiration from other disciplines. "Engineering and design are team activities, so find opportunities to continue your development in written and spoken communication," proposes the SVP.
The need to "work with great people" is raised, as well as the general advice to "Follow your heart." Federighi notes he was "forced to choose between options that looked good 'on paper' (i.e. to my analytical mind) and opportunities that 'felt right.' Listening to my heart ultimately paid off in ways I couldn't have anticipated at the time."
He also thanks the writer for his thoughts and suggestions about iOS 14.
Federighi, along with other major personalities in Apple, often write to users who send email-based questions. In September, two emails purportedly from Federighi claimed there would be the addition of the lyrics visualizer to the main Apple Music player in iOS 13.1, as well as offering thoughts on iMessage scheduling.
Bladiebla. I'd rather read up on
More importantly, which advice did he give on keeping your hair in good shape. No software developer should neglect his or her hair.
Always look forward to his WWDC presentation. He seems to be a sincere, genuine engineer and manager.
My advice: Don't code for Mac OS and iOS if you want to "follow your heart". Apple will get in your way at every turn with their byzantine rules, lack of necessary SDK and lack of respect for its own customers freedom to use their computers and smart devices in any way they wish.