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Apple's diversity efforts are 'selfish & practical' says head of developer relations

Apple continues efforts on diversity and inclusion

Apple's head of developer relations, Susan Prescott, says the company continues to focus on inclusion and diversity and promises new features at WWDC 2023.

Speaking at a recent event at Apple's new offices in Battersea, London, Prescott talked to an audience of female founders who went through the company's App Store Foundations program. Launched in 2022, the program is meant to support female developers.

Prescott explained that the company's dedication to inclusivity and diversity is motivated by a "selfish and practical" perspective. She believes that to create the best products for all consumers, they must be developed by a diverse team of individuals, according to a report from The Independent.

She continued by saying that increasing the participation of "historically underrepresented groups, including women, is super important to us." And although the App Store Foundations program was for women developers, Prescott said it and other projects were meant to increase diversity and inclusion in the App Store overall.

According to the founders who spoke with Prescott during the event, the technology industry still presents obstacles that make it challenging for women founders to succeed. For example, they highlighted the difficulties associated with obtaining funding from venture capital firms, which they found typically have a bias towards men.

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Although other speakers at the event acknowledged the obstacles faced by women in the technology industry, they expressed optimism about the future. For example, Jo Goodall, the co-founder of the health app Luna for teens, noted that her interactions with young people had revealed a growing trend of young women showing interest in pursuing careers in technology.

"I'm actually sort of quietly confident a positive for the future that actually it will be normal for girls to go into tech," she said during the event.

Apple has other initiatives to promote diversity as well. For example, it announced on April 24 the third year of the Impact Accelerator program. It aims to help Black, Indigenous, and Hispanic/Latino entrepreneurs in green industries.

Prescott's remarks were made in anticipation of Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference, scheduled for June, where the company will unveil software updates for all of its products. Prescott guaranteed that the event will showcase "new features, new capabilities, new methods of engaging with Apple, and new approaches to obtaining answers."


elijahg 19 Years · 2855 comments

JP234 said:
enacting policies of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will benefit Apple Inc. in the long term through hiring and promotion based solely on merit, not race, class or religion.

Enacting policies of forced inclusion and diversity is the exact opposite of hiring solely on merit, and therefore will not benefit Apple whatsoever. It forces recruiters to discriminate against highly capable white male applicants to reach some arbitrary diversity target. If these targets were representative of the workforce it would be a noble objective, but they are not. To be anything but representative of the workforce is discriminatory, but apparently discriminating against white males is fine. 

Women are underrepresented within Apple relative to the population, but not the workforce. There are simply very few female engineers in the workforce. Generally, the number of women who enjoy engineering is tiny compared to men. Arbitrary targets wont fix that, it needs to start in schools. 

In a company like Apple there is very rightly very little discrimination against underrepresented groups. Asian men are very much over represented for example - because they make brilliant engineers, but no one is complaining about that. 

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lkrupp 20 Years · 10521 comments

JP234 said:
"Apple's diversity efforts are 'selfish & practical' says head of developer relations…"

On the face of it, sounds like something you'd hear on right-wing talk shows. Poor choice of words, when you read the article and realize that enacting policies of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will benefit Apple Inc. in the long term through hiring and promotion based solely on merit, not race, class or religion. And that's practical, enlightened benchmark for sustainable growth.
History trivia: Enlightened self-interest was a concept that Alexis de Tocqueville discussed in his work Democracy in America, back in 1835 and 1840. The notion he held was that Americans voluntarily join together in associations to further the interests of the group and, thereby, to serve their own interests. Since the SCOTUS "Citizens United" ruling in 2010 that corporations are people, Apple's efforts are of benefit to humanity as well as the corporation! And since the ruling also concluded that money is free speech, Apple has the biggest megaphone (and Disney should be allowed to disagree without fear of retaliation from an opportunistic neofascist with big ambitions).

Explain to me the difference between Fascism and Communism/Socialism as they are actually practiced in the world, not how they differ on some academic white paper. You say Disney should be allowed to disagree but does not the left do exactly the same thing when they shout down a speaker whose ideology is not their cup of tea. Or label people who disagree with them as homophobes, xenophobes, transphobic, bigoted, misogynists, and any other slur they can apply to shut down speech.

Bottom line for me is that labeling someone a fascist is getting old and useless because of the history it conjures up, no different than  labeling someone as a Naziif you don;t like what they are saying. To me the right and left of are of the same ilk, both seeking to control the individual’s thoughts, behavior, speech, to become slaves to their respective ideologies. 

So bottom line, you have no business calling De Santis a fascist when your own ideology does the same damn thing to individual ideals they don’t like. 

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mikethemartian 19 Years · 1553 comments

JP234 said:
"Apple's diversity efforts are 'selfish & practical' says head of developer relations…"

On the face of it, sounds like something you'd hear on right-wing talk shows. Poor choice of words, when you read the article and realize that enacting policies of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will benefit Apple Inc. in the long term through hiring and promotion based solely on merit, not race, class or religion. And that's practical, enlightened benchmark for sustainable growth.
History trivia: Enlightened self-interest was a concept that Alexis de Tocqueville discussed in his work Democracy in America, back in 1835 and 1840. The notion he held was that Americans voluntarily join together in associations to further the interests of the group and, thereby, to serve their own interests. Since the SCOTUS "Citizens United" ruling in 2010 that corporations are people, Apple's efforts are of benefit to humanity as well as the corporation! And since the ruling also concluded that money is free speech, Apple has the biggest megaphone (and Disney should be allowed to disagree without fear of retaliation from an opportunistic neofascist with big ambitions).

DeSantis just comes off to me as someone who enjoys being cruel.

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toddzrx 10 Years · 254 comments

DeSantis just comes off to me as someone who enjoys being cruel.

In that case you should probably get better informed before spouting your opinionated feelings. Disney made a choice to get involved in a political issue they had zero business being in. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. 

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ronn 21 Years · 704 comments

Any time diversity, equity and inclusion are mentioned get ready for the "Woe Is Me" song by the Aggrieved White "straight" Guys Chorus. Poor li'l souls have to contend with simply occupying the majority of high paying, prestige jobs despite not being the majority of the population. 

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