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Apple Towson wins historic labor agreement with pay increases & quality-of-life improvements

Apple Towson Town Center in Maryland

Apple's first retail union formed in Towson, Maryland, won a historic victory against Apple thanks to negotiations performed by IAM CORE.

Two years after Apple Towson unionized with IAM CORE representing 85 employees, the union has achieved a significant agreement with Apple. Employees can expect better pay, management transparency, and improvements to scheduling in addition to all previous benefits.

"The historic agreement secured by the courageous IAM CORE members at the Towson Apple store sets a new standard for Apple retail workers nationwide, proving the undeniable power of collective bargaining," said IAM International President Brian Bryant. "The IAM has proven once again that we have the strength to take on some of the biggest companies in the world and win."

The victory will no doubt spur unionization efforts at other Apple Stores across the United States. The agreement will serve as a model for negotiations with Apple elsewhere.

The three-year agreement includes several benefits, which were outlined before the agreement was ratified.

  • Scheduling improvements with protections for existing and part-time employees
  • An average of 10% in pay raises over the life of the contract and increases in starting pay for 80% of job classifications
  • Limits on contracted employees and a severance clause
  • A fair and clear disciplinary process with protections and accountability

The IAM CORE, which represents the union, maintains the ability to negotiate for additional benefits. The initial proposal from the union included tips, knowing they'd have to back off some requests.

Apple has been known to employ anti-union tactics by encouraging employees to avoid forming unions. Unionization efforts have failed in New Jersey, Atlanta, and St. Louis.