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Microsoft Office 2004: Screenshot Gallery

Several weeks ago, the Microsoft's Macintosh Business Unit provided select organizations and media outlets with a preview version of Office 2004 for Mac. While Microsoft officially announced the software back in January, the office suite remains a work in progress.

Sources with access to Office 2004 Preview recently provided AppleInsider with about two dozen screenshots of the software. (To view the shots, please launch the gallery by clicking the image or text link below.)

Some Quick Notes:

Both Entourage and Excel feature new default applications views, though the Word component reflects little visual change. The suite's floating palettes seem to collapse, expand, and alter themselves depending on the user's behavior and content input. At times, inactive palettes seem to fade into a state of translucency, though sources found this to be very distracting.

Sources found Word's new 'Notebook' module to be impressively useful, but frowned at the application launch times exceeding 10 seconds on a modern G4 PowerBook. The preview version also includes a new version of Microsoft Messenger 4.0, sources said. For Microsoft's own details of the software, visit the company's Office 2004 Demo.