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AT&T's $2.5B spectrum deal to expand wireless network

Apple's exclusive U.S. iPhone service provider AT&T said Tuesday it has agreed to purchase spectrum licenses from Aloha Partners LP totaling approximately $2.5 billion, expanding its ability to deliver wireless voice, data and video services to customers.

The deal will enhance AT&T's spectrum position by adding 12 MHz of spectrum at the 700MHz range, covering 196 million people in 281 markets. It will also increase AT&T's coverage in many major metropolitan areas, including 72 of the top 100 and all of the top 10 markets in the United States.

"Customer demand for mobile services, including voice, data and video, is continually increasing," said Forrest Miller, group president of Corporate Strategy and Development for AT&T. "Aloha's spectrum will enable AT&T to efficiently meet this growing demand and help our customers stay connected to their worlds."

AT&T, which has been aggressively expanding its wireless network in recent years amidst customer complaints about service quality, said it anticipates receiving necessary government approvals to close the deal within six to nine months.


thomasfxlt 22 Years · 71 comments

Originally Posted by AppleInsider

Apple's exclusive U.S. iPhone service provider AT&T said Tuesday it has agreed to purchase spectrum licenses from Aloha Partners LP totaling approximately $2.5 billion, expanding its ability to deliver wireless voice, data and video services to customers.

The deal will enhance AT&T's spectrum position by adding 12 MHz of spectrum at the 700MHz range, covering 196 million people in 281 markets. It will also increase AT&T's coverage in many major metropolitan areas, including 72 of the top 100 and all of the top 10 markets in the United States.

"Customer demand for mobile services, including voice, data and video, is continually increasing," said Forrest Miller, group president of Corporate Strategy and Development for AT&T. "Aloha's spectrum will enable AT&T to efficiently meet this growing demand and help our customers stay connected to their worlds."

AT&T, which has been aggressively expanding its wireless network in recent years amidst customer complaints about service quality, said it anticipates receiving necessary government approvals to close the deal within six to nine months.

These guys are serious. ATT is really making the necessary moves to dominate the handheld market. As devices like the iPhone emerge and demand for wireless content grows, who will be better prepared for the onslaught? I think ATT.

(and Appleinsider is first again to make a relevent report.)

g3pro 24 Years · 659 comments

Why 700MHz? Doesn't sound like GSM.
And please, do a better job at not plagiarizing news stories.

desarc 20 Years · 638 comments

i don't know the technical benefits of gaining 12 mhz of spectrum, but the United States is far behind on the technologies used on those spectrums. 2.5G vs 3.5G.

...will this add speed to the "top 100" US markets while using edge, or is this an expansion of 3G? AT&T really lacking coverage in 72% of the top US markets?

i have NEVER had a problem with signal, and my friends w/ Verizon service have one more bar than i do when we drive through franconia notch in new hampshire. that is honestly the only place i've ever seen them with more coverage than i have - everywhere we've been in new england.

thomasfxlt 22 Years · 71 comments

Originally Posted by desarc

i don't know the technical benefits of gaining 12 mhz of spectrum, but the United States is far behind on the technologies used on those spectrums. 2.5G vs 3.5G.

...will this add speed to the "top 100" US markets while using edge, or is this an expansion of 3G? AT&T really lacking coverage in 72% of the top US markets?

i have NEVER had a problem with signal, and my friends w/ Verizon service have one more bar than i do when we drive through franconia notch in new hampshire. that is honestly the only place i've ever seen them with more coverage than i have - everywhere we've been in new england.

I doubt they would try and buy it if they didn't need it.

jonessodarally 19 Years · 33 comments

Originally Posted by desarc

i don't know the technical benefits of gaining 12 mhz of spectrum, but the United States is far behind on the technologies used on those spectrums. 2.5G vs 3.5G.

...will this add speed to the "top 100" US markets while using edge, or is this an expansion of 3G? AT&T really lacking coverage in 72% of the top US markets?

i have NEVER had a problem with signal, and my friends w/ Verizon service have one more bar than i do when we drive through franconia notch in new hampshire. that is honestly the only place i've ever seen them with more coverage than i have - everywhere we've been in new england.

Ehh... service is kinda hit-and-miss here in the midwest. That's the one way my friends are able to get me back when I start teasing about how I've got an iPhone. They tease me about my service. I've got a cousin in florida who has the same problem, though. Anything AT&T can do to increase service.... *high five* to them.