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Apple seeds OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite beta to developers

Last updated

Apple on Wednesday issued a fourth beta build for an upcoming OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite maintenance update, requesting developers test Wi-Fi, Mail, VoiceOver and Bluetooth functionality ahead of public release.

The latest Yosemite beta build 14C99d comes one week after the most recent version was released to developers and appears to mark a return to Apple's usual weekly update cycle.

Apple is once again asking developers to focus on Wi-Fi connectivity assets in the new beta version, a problem area for OS X Yosemite that has not been resolved since its launch last October. Mac users have complained of multiple Wi-Fi connectivity issues, including slower than normal transfer speeds and dropped connections.

Other focus areas include Mail, VoiceOver and Bluetooth. Apple's OS X 10.10.1 update attempted to patch complications for both Wi-Fi and Mail in November, but problems remain for some users.

Developers can access the OS X 10.10.2 Yosemite beta through Apple's Developer Portal.


ireland 19 Years · 17436 comments

Lest they forget the graphical bugs and issues I keep seeing on my mid 2013 MacBook Air and my brand new iMac 5K.

dimmok 17 Years · 359 comments

And my jerky animations when opening and closing windows....ugh. Early 2009 Mac Pro 16gb Ram.

mac_dog 17 Years · 1086 comments

if you guys are sending your feedback to apple, why post it here?

it just sounds like whining to me.