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Periscope adds map-based feed browsing, Sunrise Calendar hits Apple Watch

Twitter on Thursday added several features to Periscope, most significantly a map browser, while Microsoft added an Apple Watch app to Sunrise Calendar.


The live video broadcaster now sports a Map tab in its Global view, allowing users to browse feeds according to geography instead just popular and recent items. Badges display how many feeds are running in a given region, and zooming in will increase their level of precision, down to providing near-pinpoint location in some instances.

Other additions include an option for sharing a link to someone else's broadcast, and localization in more languages, now up to a total of 29. Replays have been made instantly accessible — previously, a replay had to be completely uploaded following a broadcast session.

Periscope is a free download, and requires an iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 7.1.

Sunrise Calendar for Apple Watch

Launching later today, the Sunrise Calendar Watch app doesn't allow creation of new events or tasks, but does offer a list of the ones from the iOS app and merged services. Tapping on an event presents more details, such as guests, and a location that can be opened in Maps.

The app's Glance shows the next upcoming event. Notifications, meanwhile, display times, durations, and Maps previews. Selecting a preview will jump straight into directions.

The Watch interface is a part of Sunrise Calendar for iOS, which is free and runs on devices with iOS 8 or later.

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