Palm released webOS 1.2 this week, bringing a variety of updates, including access to the Amazon MP3 Store, the ability to download files in the Web browser, and filtering of e-mails by search. But the most surprising news isn't what's included — it's what's been omitted.
Given the back-and-forth battle between Apple and Palm, many expected that the latest webOS update would re-enable the device to sync with iTunes. Earlier this month, the release of iTunes 9 disabled Palm Pre sync.
But last week, the USB Implementers Forum sided with Apple in a dispute over iTunes sync capabilities. Though Palm initially petitioned the forum in hopes that it would side with them, the group told Palm that the Pre's alleged use of Apple's vendor ID violates its rules.
The forum went on to say that Apple is within the rules of the USB-IF to limit iTunes syncing to proprietary hardware like the iPhone and iPod via use of the USB vendor ID. Apple's blocking out of hardware like the Palm Pre, the forum said, is not "improper."
The USB-IF is a non-profit organization that supports the Universal Serial Bus and sets the standards for the hardware input. Unique vendor IDs are necessary for developing USB products.
Last week, Palm said it intends to respond to the USB-IF, noting that it believes consumers should have "freedom and choice" when transferring media to personal devices.
OH WELL. Looks like people will need to master the art of DRAG AND DROP.
This is such a stupid dispute in my eyes that I don't even care enough to pick who's right. If I HAD to, I'd say they both are right and both are wrong. In the end, it's Apple's software, and whether its right or not, if they want to block the pre, what can palm really do.
It just sucks that Apple feels the need to alienate pre owners, but it especially sucks that palm didn't come up with a better solution for their customers other than "tricking" itunes.
One big circle jerk of lunacy.
Cue the Class Action Lawsuit for selling the Pre with the bullet-point promise of iTunes sync in 3.... 2.... 1....
Does the Pre not come with its own software that allows you to load music, or can you not use Windows Media Player to sync your music to it?
"Last week, Palm said it intends to respond to the USB-IF, noting that it believes consumers should have "freedom and choice" when transferring media to personal devices."
Undeniable truth: Palm has the right to eat as much food as they want from their (own) company refrigerator in order to stay alive. They do NOT have the right to take food from someone else's box to effect the same result. Period.
Want to survive and thrive, Palm? DEVELOP YOUR OWN DAMNED "IPRE" STORE! Spend the money! Be loud and proud! Don't expect/demand others to throw you scraps from their tables. You know how to do it. RIM certainly does. Copy THEM, OK? (Sheesh.)
@ chronster
"It just sucks that Apple feels the need to alienate pre owners . . . ."
Uh, perhaps it's just me, but why would Apple give a rat's ass what any Pre owner thinks? Didn't that person already "alienate" Apple by purchasing an iPhone competitor, a truly inferior one that does not possess a legitimate iTunes option? Do you REALLY believe that any company should go out of its way to "be nice" to a competitor by enabling its bottom line in this fashion? Such is not the way of the business world I live in. Is it in yours?