The update was announced Tuesday by Adobe product manager Thibault Imbert on his blog. The feature, code-named "Gala," had been announced several months prior, but was unavailable with the official release of Flash Player 10.1 for Mac in June. In a break from usual protocol, Adobe enabled the new feature in a security release.
Hardware acceleration in Flash Player 10.1 for Mac is available only for Mac OS X Snow Leopard and the following graphics cards: NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, GeForce 320M or GeForce GT 330M.
According to Adobe, a CPU utilization reduction of up to two-thirds is possible when GPU hardware acceleration is active.
Flash Player for Mac has recently been the subject of controversy. In April, Apple CEO Steve Jobs published an open letter criticizing Adobe's Flash offerings. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen subsequently dismissed Jobs' letter as a "smokescreen."
I have an iMac with a ATi x1600 graphic card. Anyone know how to hack Flash or OS X.6 for that matter to allow the graphic card to work on flash video, etc. I know that the card can do it its just that the OS/Flash doesnt support it and I was wondering if anyone figured a way to enable it for good.
Funny thing adobe only supports nvidia. Apple just released their mac pros and aren't offering nvidia as an option. Once again adobe fails by falling behind. I see this as a fine example of what Jobs was referring to in regards to developers holding the ios back by not utilising up to date hardware. Thereby holding features hostage by software that simply lags. I have an ATI Radeon 4870 hd in my mac pro. And flash runs like hell. Was hoping they would have showed some dedication by now to have a decent desktop version. If they can't do that how are they ever gonna get a mobile version up to par?
And for that matter. Their CS Suites are getting lazy, innovative and buggier every release. Just what in the he'll is really going on at adobe. Perhaps the shareholders should oust some people!?
Funny thing adobe only supports nvidia. Apple just released their mac pros and aren't offering nvidia as an option. Once again adobe fails by falling behind.
Adobe is using official Apple APIs to access the hardware acceleration, these APIs only provide access to (recent) Nvidia graphic cards.
I don't know how easy it would be for Adobe to use other APIs that support hardware acceleration with a wider selection of video cards. I don't know whether such APIs even exist or whether other vendors program the hardware acceleration themselves. But the precise choice of supported graphic cards was made by Apple.
Funny thing adobe only supports nvidia. Apple just released their mac pros and aren't offering nvidia as an option. Once again adobe fails by falling behind. I see this as a fine example of what Jobs was referring to in regards to developers holding the ios back by not utilising up to date hardware. Thereby holding features hostage by software that simply lags. I have an ATI Radeon 4870 hd in my mac pro. And flash runs like hell. Was hoping they would have showed some dedication by now to have a decent desktop version. If they can't do that how are they ever gonna get a mobile version up to par?
And for that matter. Their CS Suites are getting lazy, innovative and buggier every release. Just what in the he'll is really going on at adobe. Perhaps the shareholders should oust some people!?
It's not the fault of Adobe that only a subset of all graphics cards currently deployed on Apple machines are supported. Apple's official API supports only a few cards, namely the newer NVidia 9400M, the 330 and the 320. Even the older 8600GT-M isn't on the list. Though I believe hardware-wise it is also capable of H/W decompression.
Don't care anymore. With the Safari Youtube5 Plugin I haven't used flash for quite a while. If I accouter Flash anyway, I just use the Develop Panel to switch to the iPad UserId. Has worked every time till now... Oh and I used to love Chromium but Safari rules! Give it a try...