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Obama calls Steve Jobs' success prime example of American wealth

During a speech Wednesday, U.S. President Barack Obama referred to Apple CEO Steve Jobs as an example of the "American dream" and one whose wealth should be celebrated.

Obama made the comments in response to a reporter's question, Cnet reports.

"What is...a fact is that people in the top 1 percent, people in the top one-tenth of 1 percent, or one-hundredth of 1 percent have a larger share of income and wealth than any time since the 1920s," said Obama. "Those are just facts. That's not a feeling on the part of Democrats. Those are facts."

"And something that's always been the greatest strength of America is a thriving, booming middle class, where everybody has got a shot at the American dream. And that should be our goal. That should be what we're focused on," the President continued. "How are we creating opportunity for everybody? So that we celebrate wealth. We celebrate somebody like a Steve Jobs, who has created two or three different revolutionary products. We expect that person to be rich, and that's a good thing. We want that incentive. That's part of the free market."

Obama met with Jobs in October to discuss "American competitiveness and education" with him. According to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, the President was "eager" to talk to Jobs.

Jobs recently made Forbes magazine's annual list of the wealthiest Americans, climbing one spot to 42nd place. As of September, when Forbes calculated its results, Jobs' estimated net worth was $6.1 billion, up from $5.1 billion in 2009.

Most of Jobs' wealth comes from shares of Walt Disney Co. that he received when the media conglomerate acquired Pixar in 2006. Disney shares recently hit a 52 week high of $38.

Shares of Apple have also climbed as of late, passing the $300 mark in October. The Cupertino, Calif., company made news this year when it passed up Microsoft in terms of market capitalization to become the world's largest technology company. In September, Apple overtook PetroChina Co. to become the world's second largest company by market value.


magicj 16 Years · 406 comments

Obama likes Apple? Apple now officially doomed.

nicolbolas 15 Years · 254 comments

Originally Posted by magicj

Obama likes Apple? Apple now officially doomed.

read closely... he likes Steve Jobs..... lol....

mayb i am misreading, but i didn't see Obama liking Apple ever mentioned
what Steve has should pretty much be the cap for modern executives... i mean he has launched ipad and iphone/itouch and worked a lot on making them..... probably more than most executives do..... like a few 100% times more

toddd240 15 Years · 4 comments

Maybe Obama forgot that Apple products are assembled using outsourced manufacturing jobs. The unions might not be too happy about that.

okboy 15 Years · 10 comments

Sorry, but doesn't Apple pay Jobs $1 a year? And don't they owe him money that he hasn't even claimed?

We didn't praise wealth from the 1910's to the 1980's with tax rates for the wealthy between 60 and 90%, but how many greats can you think of from that time?

Science can show that money can't be thrown at something people to make them produce more. They do it because they want to, but also because they can.

When Steve started Apple he said it was spiritual, not business. And not tax breaks "incentives".

bushman4 15 Years · 860 comments

Obama doesn't realize that 'The American Dream' for many people is...........JUST TO HAVE A JOB!!!!
Obama's just trying to stroke APPLE to get on the good side of people. Well it won't work.